Monday, September 30, 2019

Anger Management Essay

Anger is a normal state of emotion and can be helpful in times of confrontation because it increases our focus and improves out performance (Tamir). But, that same anger if uncontrolled can cause high blood pressure and the over indulgence of tobacco, alcohol and over eating. All of which lead to heart disease as well as the destruction of personal relationships in our life at home, work and school. (Potts). This is why it is so important to learn how to manage anger in every situation and not let it gain control of our lives. Every person at some time experiences anger so it is crucial to identify the causes before they happen so that steps can be taken to stay in control of our emotions. Anger is typically caused by a variety of factors. The main factors are stress, exhaustion, suppressing emotions from previous confrontations, feelings of being misunderstood and failure. (Kazdin) Anger only becomes a problem when a person loses control of themselves in what they say and do to others. This loss of control can lead to devastating consequences both to the one that is angry and to the people surrounding them. Some of the consequences of this anger issue when control is lost can be depression, relationship problems, as well as destructive activities to oneself and others. (http://anger-issues. org/) To stay in control of an issue, you must first identify the contributing factors and what to do about them before they happen. So how is a person to deal with anger? Not getting angry is the best solution, but as human beings that is not possible. When becoming angry some of the best ways to control it are to identify stress as it is happening, develop empathy, respond instead of reacting, change the hought processes you are having, communicate assertively, adjust your expectations, forgive, and retreat to rethink the situation. (Novick) We need to identity stress before it becomes anger. This step in anger management requires that we be self-aware and have a complete understanding of our limits so that we can specifically identify stress factors. When we know and understand that stress is the underlying cause of anger and can identify that stress we are better able to set limits. These limits allow us to interact with other people and participate in activities that we find enjoyable without confrontations. They also allow us to set boundaries for others in our personal relationships so that these relationships can be mutually beneficial. Developing empathy for the other person is another way to control anger. When we learn to see situations from another’s point of view it is much easier to stay in control of our emotions. By putting ourselves in another’s place and understanding their needs and desires we show maturity and gain understanding that we did not have before. This skill, when practiced, can lead to better team work among individuals when working on projects. It can also ease the tensions that accompany relationships with family and spouses. As human beings we not only have the capability to be angry but we also the capability to choose how we express that anger. Having this choice allows us to learn new ways to communicate our needs, feelings or requests more effectively. By learning new ways to express anger we are enabled to respond to others rather than automatically reacting to them when they cross our boundaries or limits and trigger our emotions. Anger is an emotion that can feed on itself. When situations that cause anger in an individual are constantly replayed in that persons mind, the angry feelings continue to grow until they are all encompassing. This all-encompassing anger clouds our judgment of the situation, changing facts and altering memories to justify the anger itself. Yet, if a person can change the thought processes that are feeding the anger and divert their attention from the anger to another more pleasurable situation they are more ble to take control of their anger and stop it from developing further. By developing the ability to change our thought processes we are better able to release our anger and not let it consume us as well as training our minds to focus on more important issues that are in need of our attention. When we learn how to communicate in an effective and honest way how we are feeling and are able to respond to situations without getting angry or hostile we are gaining valuable leadership c haracteristics as well as diffusing the emotion of anger. When we get angry with another person we are giving that person control of us. When we refrain from getting angry and take control of our own emotions we portray maturity and not only the ability to control ourselves but to stay in control of the situation around us. Anger can often be the result of expectations that are not met by situations or other people that we come in contact with. When we learn to adjust our expectations without showing anger we can learn how to deal with the difficult people or situations in our lives in a better way. This valuable tool, that allows us to adjust expectations, can also teach us how to compensate for our own deficiencies or failures in life. We learn how to release ourselves and others from feelings of judgment and unworthiness. When we find release from these feelings of self-doubt we also release the mechanism in our mind that activates our fight or flight urges. Anger in the form of resentment causes more damage to the person that is angry than to the offending party. It can result in weight loss, insomnia, alcoholism, drug dependence as well as high blood pressure and heart disease. By making a conscious decision to release the emotions of anger through forgiveness or acceptance of the other person, while reestablishing our boundaries, we can make a major step toward controlling our anger. Learning this release of anger is a gift that a person gives themselves. It enables the person to live a happier life without the constant reminder of what happened replaying in their mind and gives that person a peace that is more valuable than wealth. When faced with a situation that has become volatile another technique for anger management is to retreat to regain perspective and think the situation through. This allows a person to gain the opportunity to step back from the situation and identify what is the root cause of their emotions and whether or not an angry reaction will help the situation or whether it will make the situation worse. If it is a person that is bringing about feelings of anger, then they should let that other person know that they will return to the discussion when they have cooled down. This way no harsh or hasty words are spoken, no feelings are hurt and control will have still been maintained while gaining time to think about what specifically has been the root cause of anger. If a person is performing some type of work when feelings of frustration and anger begin to arise, the best choice is to stop what they are doing and do something completely different from what they were doing before. This again gives the person a time out break to think about the root causes of their anger and the specific reasons for their frustrations and by reducing tension that person is more likely to see a solution to whatever has frustrated them. Anger is not created the same in every person, nor does every person show anger in the same way. Different beliefs as well as the way that people interpret different situations in their mind will produce different emotions (Kazdin). It is only when a person becomes aware of their limits and gains an understanding of their individual patterns of emotions that they are able to gain control of their emotions and learn to change how they respond to situations and events that they come into contact with. After a person gains an awareness of the different elements in their mind and how they cause emotions, that person will be more able to use techniques to change the way that they react. With the ability to identify stress comes the opportunity to eliminate the focus of a person’s anger and unhappiness. The main benefit from learning how to identify all of the factors of stress and learning how to manage them is that, with practice, the identification and response becomes automatic and so there is no anger to control or manage because a person has none.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Eating Insects Essay

Introduction: Insects have been here long before human civilization, foraging the world and utilizing its nutrients. In a sense then, every human being ever has been forced to interact with insects, so then why has this â€Å"household† item not been utilized as a food source for humans? Well, that’s not entirely true. Entomophagy, according to Webster’s Dictionary, is the practice of eating insects. Using insects as a food source isn’t as uncommon as one may think, the practice of Enotmophagy has been performed for centuries, dating back to Indian tribes and Australian aborginals. Insects greatly outnumber humans and are found in nearly every possible location in the world, so their presence in and around human food isn’t unbelievable. While this practice is becoming more popular around the world, consumers in the U. S. are still skeptical of the idea Whether its eating them â€Å"a la mode†, or eating them without knowing, insects are increasingly prevalent in food consumed by humans. Main Body: Insect consumption seems a little farfetched, yet there are several reasons that this idea may not be crazy. Meat is considered to be one of the best sources of protein in diets, however, certain insects provide amounts of protein comparable to that of meat; thus making insect consumption a much cheaper alternative to meat in developing countries. Take, for example, 100 grams of dried caterpillar, providing fifty-three grams of protein, seventeen percent carbohydrates, and a whopping fifteen percent fat. In fact, they are believed to have a higher proportional fat and protein value than that of beef and fish. Also, most edible insects are proven to be much cleaner than fish. For example, According to Pulitzer prize winner, Dr. E. O. Wilson of Harvard University, there are an estimated ten quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) insects in the world, or about one hundred and fifty million insects per one human being. Insects are in no way, shape, or form, a product of scarcity; insects are found nearly everywhere, thus proving to be another reason for insects to be used for food consumption. Due to the fact that insects provide incredible amounts of nutritional value and an incredible population, they are proving to be means of income for people in developing countries. Specifically, Sudan and Nigeria trade and utilize insects as a source of income, exporting three to five tons annually to countries such as Belgium and France. This means of earning income for Sudans and Nigerians produces $41,500 annually. Insects being utilized for their nutritional value and high concentration, proves to show how incredibly useful insects are to humans, surprisingly as a food source. Many countries all over the world are taking advantage of insects as a food source. In Africa, several groups use Orthoptera as a means of food. They gather locusts early in the day, before they are active; they then boil them before group members clean and salt them. Noting goes to waste, they even use the legs by grinding them up and mixing them with peanut butter and salt. Also, performed in areas of Africa and Australia, termites are being utilized for their high protein and fat value. The big queen castes of termites, reaching three inches in lenghth, is most sought out due to its incredibly high nutritional value. They are often lightly fried and sold in markets to be eaten by hand, thought to be a snack food. However, termites can also be used as a colorless oil used when frying food.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Gray Rider Real Estate Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Gray Rider Real Estate Company - Case Study Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that with Over 100 new graduate entrants every year, The Gray Rider Real Estate Company has been Voted the most admired construction company in the 2005 Management survey and is Winner of many Quality in Construction Awards( Thus, the success of an organization like The Gray Rider Real Estate Company has been on account of the apt application of the various concepts of organizational behavior like Motivation, Decision Making, Group Behavior, Communication, Power and Politics, Organizational Structure, Organizational Culture, Human Resources Practices and Change Management. Specific employee's attitudes relating to 'job satisfaction' and 'organizational commitment' are of major interest to the field of organizational behaviour and Human resource management. This is because of the fact that only a satisfied employee can have organizational commitment. Incidentally, Organizational commitment can be expected only f rom a satisfied worker and a satisfied worker is always a motivated worker. If there is no conflict between group goals and personal goals of a member of a group, i.e. goals of an employee and an organization in which he/she works are complementary and not contradictory, then the employee is motivated to work for the goals of the company, because, by doing so, he will be achieving his own personal goals. Organizational behavior is interdisciplinary in its nature with deep roots in psychology. The concepts of Motivation in The Gray Rider Real Estate Company have been elaborated in this study. Motivation refers to the way in which wages, drives, desires, aspiration, strivings, or needs, controls or explains human behavior. Motivation is the core of management. Motivation can be defined as a process, which begins with a physiological or psychological need, or deficiency, which triggers behavior or a drive that is aimed at a goal or an incentive. Motivation is a phenomenon by which 'Mot ives' based on 'Needs' will condition individual's behavior. Therefore, if there is no conflict between group goals and personal goals of a member of a group, i.e. Goals of an employee and an organization (in which he works) are complementary and not contradictory, then the employee is motivated to work for the goals of the company, because, by doing so, he will be achieving his own personal goals.

The Lex Mercatoria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Lex Mercatoria - Essay Example In Europe Lex Mercatoria contained procedures and traditions which were familiar to the merchants and dealers. The contemporary Lex Mercatoria discovers its potency in the national rule, as stated by Thomas Charbonneau (1998): "It is not surprising that the strongest advocates of the new law merchant are from civil law jurisdictions where general legal principles constitute the primary source of law and specialized courts have long handled commercial disputes at an intermediary level of the legal system. Nor is it astonishing that the most virulent critics of Lex Mercatoria and delocalization are steeped in the common law tradition of narrow rules and holdings, where decisional law is the foremost source of law and courts are its oracles." (pg37) Regarding the Lex Mercatoria there is some difficulty to understand as to what Lex Mercatoria contents are, but it is certainly described as the rule managed among the dealers and the foreign officers, part of it being authentic rule and the rest of it being the substantiation and the course of actions. The Lex Mercatoria is described as the set of laws; generally lots of definitions are related to the Lex Mercatoria and the national law. Dissimilarity between Law Mercatoria and national law might be made on the basis of a self-governing and an authoritativeness concept. The self governing concept examines that the Lex Mercatoria has an independent nature, which is autonomous from several methods of regulation. Goldman B (1986) defined Lex Mercatoria as "A set of general principles, and customary rules spontaneously referred to or elaborated in the framework of international trade, without reference to a particular national system of law."(pg116) The advocates of the Lex Mercatoria do not entirely have the same opinion regarding the source from where the Lex Mercatoria is taken, or concerning the comparative significance of the sources is observed as something which is acceptable. There is an extensive gap linking the sources for instance average figure indenture and the characteristics of commercial regulation. Mostly the people regard Lex Mercatoria as content because it is described as a law among the merchants and their dealers. The Lex Mercatoria is regarded as a list of rules rather than a method. There are various rules related to the Lex Mercatoria which makes it an autonomous system of laws. The set of laws are articulated more distinctively; in any case they cannot be originated from any universal simplification of nationwide laws. Critical analysis of Lex Mercatoria: The UNIDOT principle of Lex Mercatoria describes the means to create universal set of laws of global profitable agreement. The UNIDROIT principle gives the foremost sign that there is a physically powerful inter link among the UNIDROIT principle and the Lex Mercatoria. The UNIDROITS's duty of conquering the inadequacy of local rules for the declaration of the global dealing and trade by making a latest Lex Mercatoria was highlighted in the report of the UNIDROIT. The fundamental objective of this plan was to expand a compilation of rule and set of laws comprising of the Lex Mercatoria. Berger defined the Lex Mercatoria is relation to the UNIDROIT principles as: "An internationally useful method of construction inspired

Thursday, September 26, 2019

How compelling do you find Ball,s argument in this 2011 article Essay

How compelling do you find Ball,s argument in this 2011 article - Essay Example In terms of the catalyst for the educational change, Ball indicates that the primary contributing factor is the new types of education sponsors and providers. In considering the text, one recognizes that while Ball provides a varying amount of supporting information, the article lacks grounded empirical support for many of its contentions. Additionally, there is the recognition that the researcher does not directly involve themselves in the research. Because of these aforementioned elements, there is the potential that Ball’s insights are ideologically motivated. Still, there are also a number supporting elements. Fletcher-Campbell & Brill (2008; Action 1.9) indicated that it is important to consider the changing nature of education in socio-historical contexts. The recent global recession, as well as the emergence of for-profit instructional institutions, have concomitantly presented necessity and motivation for the shifting structures Ball refers to. A further recognition is presented by Edwards, Sebba & Rickinson (2007; Action 1.4) who indicate the importance of a multiplicity of perspectives to expand the range of interpretations. Ball’s insights then operate within these frames of reference. As one considers the particular arguments of the text, it becomes clear that they include a variety of notable points. Ball begins in discussing leadership. One of the important distinctions in this section is his consideration of new leadership frameworks. Ball (2011, p. 50) states, â€Å"there is the rhetoric and sensibilities of business into state schooling and the production of various forms of ‘entrepreneurial headship.’’’ Ball seems to be indicating that the shifting sponsorship and control of schools has resulted in a new form of leadership influenced by entrepreneurial values. One recognizes that the very language Ball implements in this section, namely ‘entrepreneurialism’ of educational environments, is a mode of considering the subject from multi-disciplinary perspectives. This is an approach supported by Mary James (Action 1.5) in encouraging learning across professional communities. On a larger conceptual scale, one considers the linkage between the workplace and the educational environment. A thematic current throughout the article is that Ball is increasingly referring to the hybridization of the work and school environment. There is the recognition that a similar dichotomy is explored in Action 1.6. While Ball’s argument continues to be rooted in the context of the classroom, there is a clear parallel to Action 1.6’s expanded contextual investigation to the workplace. In both instances, there is an increasing exploration of learning as intrinsically linked with working. Even while Ball may be ideologically opposed to the intrusion business on education, it appears that this is an inevitable new direction in education reform. Ball’s own contention that the ownership of these institutions have increasingly refrained from sharing process information, while outwardly a detriment to progress, in actuality it may hold significant potential for educational research. Edwards, Sebba & Rickinson (2007; Action 1.4) indicate that a multitude of stakeholders is actually beneficial for refining ideas. While the lack of proprietary sharing may be a slight drawback, the diversity of stakeholders is

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Calmodulin Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Calmodulin - Article Example Calmodulin possesses a very important function of stimulating the functioning of different enzymes as well as the mediation of ion channels. The activity of calmodulin is only brought about by the attachment of four calcium ions. This attachment brings about a change in the structure of calmodulin and makes it capable of performing its functions. The withdrawal of calcium ions from calmodulin restores it to its inactive state. The different enzymes that work after being activated by calmodulin include adenylyl cyclase, calcium magnesium ATPase, nitric oxide synthase, phosphorylase kinase, calcium dependent protein kinases and calcium phospholipid dependent protein kinase. It also possesses the function of acting on certain receptors like NMDA-type glutamate receptor as well as on ion movement pathways which include L-type calcium channels. Calmodulin also has an effect on other cellular mechanisms. The contractility of smooth muscle is one such function. In cells that are non-contrac ting, calmodulin has an effect on the motile activity of the cells and other processes like mitosis. The wide ranges of functions that can be performed by calmodulin clearly explain the importance of this protein in the living organisms. Its malfunctioning can result in hampering the activity of many enzymes, ion pathways and affect other regulatory processes (Champe et al 2005; Murray et al

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Key message FAQ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Key message FAQ - Essay Example The school immediately encrypted the student files to prevent any future breach of the student records. 3. The school’s information retrieval trail proves there was no illegal retrieval of the confidential students’ personal data. The initial findings of the continuing investigation affirm only individuals using the correct passwords had accessed the student records. The continuing school investigation affirmed there is nothing to worry about. 4. No one had filed a complaint of any breach of the student files. This affirms that the unencrypted data remains confidential. Anyone who does not know the correct passwords cannot access the same student files. 5. There were no complaints of any unauthorized retrieval of confidential student data. The school’s effective anti-hacking tools & strong firewall software effectively prevented all unauthorized retrieval of any student information from the university’s server during the unencrypted records period. Yes. During February of 2014, one authorized university registrar’s office employee noticed the data was recorded using the unencrypted method immediately reported the issue during February. The information was immediately changed to the encrypted method (Indiana University, 2014). Records show that only one authorized school employee discovered the 150,000 student records were not encrypted (Piurek, 2014). The school history trail affirms there was no unauthorized retrieval of the student information. Only those having the right passwords had accessed the student files. This indicates only authorized students and authorized school employees had retrieved the confidential unencrypted student data (Indiana University, 2014). The school investigation indicated passwords were used to prevent the authorized retrieval of the unencrypted student data. The school software prevented the hacking of the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Final Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final - Term Paper Example Nobody knows for sure how change will turn out. To a certain extent, nothing is permanent except change itself. This should perhaps remind all of us how to cope with change and adopt to it. Some people adopt to change quite remarkably well, while others flounder and get left behind because of a different attitude towards change. Management scholars, change experts, and talented academicians have studied change and its effects on people, on how to manage the change process to make it a positive outcome, or on how to teach people to adapt and accept change as a positive event that will bring new options or opportunities for those quick enough and astute enough to embrace change as beneficial. The conventional wisdom is that people resist change because it implies chaos and uncertainty. However, a paradigm shift is needed to make people realize how change brings with it a new set of opportunities, the chance to start afresh and the option to wipe the slate clean, so to speak. Some peopl e definitely thrive when exposed to change because they are quick enough to grab the chances presented by change when old rules no longer apply and new ones are just now being implemented. The change process can be managed efficiently only if people open up their eyes and their minds to the benefits that change brings. Change can be a positive event because it brings progress for humankind in ways unimaginable but only if it is steered in the right ways. Discussion Since change is inevitable and oftentimes unavoidable too, people should be ready at all times to adopt and adapt to whatever changes are coming their way. Human recorded history is a continuum of constant changes over the centuries and cumulatively, all those changes can now be seen in the way human civilization has progressed over several millennia. Change itself can be evolutionary (gradual) or revolutionary (abrupt) depending on the circumstances but change is happening all around sometimes without people consciously knowing how change is proceeding. Some people will resist change because they prefer to stay in their comfort zones and be happy with the present way of doing things while some people embrace change for new opportunities it brings. This dichotomy in people's responses is starkly illustrated in the two groups of friends who discovered their cheese was missing; Sniff and Scurry were able to adapt and went about searching for new cheese, while another group (Hem and Haw) just waited for the cheese to just re-appear somewhat magically for them, without them doing anything (Johnson, 2003). Change can be managed actively and steered towards a desired outcome if people will be strong enough to do so. In other words, people can influence change in ways that are positive for them in the long run if they want to, all it takes is just personal willpower and political will to achieve positive change. It means people need to be proactive for change to succeed for them or otherwise, change will f orce people to adapt or wither away. This had been the case of most of ancient civilizations in the world, which achieved their heights and peaks of development but in the process, an unexpected change or event came along to which these civilizations were not able to adapt and caused their decline while new societies came along which prospered with change. Put differently, a person can be an active participant by being a change agent himself or choose to be a passive bystander watching all the change events affecting his own

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Adult Learning Essay Example for Free

Adult Learning Essay DISCUSSION BOARD Do you believe they have any benefit for teaching adults? Why or Why not? Share a personal example of each that supports your view. Based on your own experiences, do you believe that children and adults learn differently? Give examples to support your thoughts. Metaphors, rehearsal, imagery and mnemonics are concepts used for teaching children. These tools benefit teaching creating venues that will effectively and efficiently nurture learning. For teachers, the more tools and bag of tricks the teacher has, the deeper and wider student learning styles he can reach, whether his students are adults or children. Studies show that children are fast learners as seen in their growth rates compared to adults. However, due to the innate nature children in as much as it could benefit teaching adults. Teaching adults as a general practice involves introduction of new concepts, facilitating learning processes and of human beings to learn using their mind, heart and hands, it is safely assumed that man’s learning is continuous and does not end with being adults. From experience, adult learning takes into consideration integrative tools to get the concepts across. In a way, if the teacher is able to create an atmosphere where adults can become children again, learning can become faster and insightful. Metaphors and the ability to use them denote higher literacy levels due to the cultural shades the metaphors require. For adults, the use of metaphors for learning is effective in evocative process of teaching. The adult learner by its manipulation of thought, experience and words, can further deepen their insights on the subject being learned. For example, in teaching a second language to adults involves using learning tools that can help the learners claim a new vocabulary. It usually takes six kinds of experiences or activities before non-native speaker acquires new vocabulary. Using metaphors will help the adult learner visualize, analogize and understand the new concept via exploration of likeness. The word blue can be analogized as â€Å"cool†, â€Å"sky†, or â€Å"water†. Another reason why metaphors are effective is that in adult learning, high level of inhibitions needs to be broken up before the learners start to let go and trust the teacher and their co-learners. Metaphors are good tools to slowly break the barriers of communication especially when the topic that is being discussed is sensitive. For teachers, when adult students use their own metaphors, the teacher can get a new perspective on how the student was able to digest the concepts being imparted. Rehearsals are exercises that instill mastery skills. Adult learning includes mastery of skills especially when the concepts that need to be learned involve tactile efforts. Rehearsals can range from mental rehearsal of knowledge as well as physical rehearsal of skills. An example of rehearsal in adult learning is the teaching of artistic craftsmanship, selling and management techniques, or any hands on skill. Computing is mastered through repeatability of the ability. Repeating something like cooking is a kind of rehearsal. The use of imagery is effective in adult learner where collaboration is imperative. With adult learning, the teacher’s imposition as all knowledgeable is less. The teacher’s role lies more on bringing tools such as images that can stimulate knowledge, skills and attitudes. Just like in children where the visuals can stimulate sensory skills, adults can develop the power of their own senses to stimulate their mind, relax their bodies and imbibe more learning in a healthier way. Malcolm Knowles takes this collaboration in adult learning into the organizational level. â€Å"When applied to the organization of adult education, a democratic philosophy means that the learning activities will be based on the real needs and interests of the participants; that the policies will be determined by a group that is representative of all participants; and that there will be a maximum of participation by all members of the organization in sharing responsibility for making and carrying out decisions.† (Knowles, 1980) An example of using imagery in adult education is using film as take off point for classroom discussions. Visual stimulus can be a painting just like in children’s education but in adult discourse, the insights are more mature and evoked from varied experience. Mnemonics helps teachers increase confidence of adult students in recalling vocabulary and concepts. Teaching through mnemonics is as much fun and rewarding to adults as it is on children. The memory enhancing strategy is usually used to teach information that’s already known but need to be easily recalled. The use of this technique accommodates students from a wide age range. In adults, it is easier because with rich and diverse experience, the class can create more associations to a word, making it easier and more fun. â€Å"Most people believe that their memory gets worse as they get older. This is true only for people who do not use their memory properly: memory is like a muscle the more it is used, the better it gets. The more it is neglected, the worse it gets. While in education most people have to use their memory intensively simply to remember facts and pass exams. When people leave full time education, they tend to cease to use their memory as actively, and so it starts to get flaccid.† (Chennai Interactive, 2002) Adult education that uses mnemonics will be able to help adults that have ceased to use their memory after leaving formal learning venues. The memory muscle just like any adult muscle will be able to recall its ability to remember vocabularies, theories and concepts with the mnemonic type of learning. People who learn how to bike, never forgets to how to bike. Even the concepts of mathematics will easily be recalled if mnemonics is used to recall mathematical jargons or concepts of other subjects. Adult learning is very much parallel children’s way of learning. There is no better challenge for adult educators to prime their students into the level of child like learning where the student is more open to new ideas, prepared to embrace new experience and able to digest their new knowledge into the levels of reflection and insight. REFERENCES Chennai Interactive Business Services (P) Ltd., 2002. Memory Techniques. Retrieved October 27, 2006, from Knowles, Malcolm S., 1980. The Modern Practice of Adult Education: From Pedagogy to Andragogy, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall/Cambridge.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Bring Safe Drinking Water to the World Essay Example for Free

Bring Safe Drinking Water to the World Essay Lack of clean water for drinking affect many people in every continent. Around one-fifth of the population in the world stays in areas of physical scarcity while five hundred million people are said to be approaching this situation. This problem is more serious in Africa than in any other continent. Lack of safe water for drinking is explored in the accompanying paper. In this paper, results of lack of clean drinking water in Africa is assessed more so in Sub-Saharan Africa. This paper also explores the impact of water scarcity on stability of Africa and the World. It further evaluates how United Nations have helped solve the problem and ways in which developing countries can ensure they have adequate clean water. Lack of safe water for drinking is a one of the leading problem in the world. It has an impact on over 1.1 billion people all over the world. Safe drinking water is defined by World health Organization, United Nations Children’s Fund and Joint Monitoring Program for Water Supply and Sanitation as water that has microbial, physical and chemical characteristics that meet the guidelines of National standard on quality of drinking water (Campbell, Caldwell, Hopkins, Heaney, Wing, Wilson, et al. 2013). Lack of safe drinking water is looked through a population to water equation treated by hydrologists as 7,700 cubic meters per person. This is the threshold for meeting water requirement for every industrial, agricultural production and the environment. It is said that a threshold of less than 1,000 cubic meters of water represent water scarcity and below 500 cubic meters of water represent a state of absolute scarcity. Inadequate safe drinking water is a major challenge to many countries. It is a major problem for developing countries that are racing forward towards physical limits of expansion of fresh water, expanding urban settlement, commercialization of agriculture and industrial sectors. Fresh water is a crucial resource in development of Africa. It is said that Africa continent has a population of 800 million people. 405 of the total population in Africa lack access to safe drinking water. It is argued that half of people living in rural areas of safe drinking water. It is reported that Sub-Saharan Africa has more water stress than other parts of the world. Sub-Saharan Africa has a population of over 320 million people have no access to quality water. It is said to be the only region in the world that will not be able to meet the 2015 millennium development goal. In 2012, a Conference on ‘’Water Scarcity in Africa: issues and Challenges† was presented with information that by 2030, 255 million to 760 millions in Africa will be staying in areas with high water stress (Barone, 2008). Scarcity of safe drinking water has lead to poor heal in Sub-Saharan Africa. People in water deprived areas use unsafe water that causes spread of waterborne diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, typhoid fever, malaria, trachoma, typhus and plague. Scarcity of safe water forces people to respond by storing water in their households. This further increases chances of water contamination and spread of malaria due to mosquitoes. Infected people with waterborne diseases reduce chances of community development and productivity due to lack of strength. Government resources are used to buy medicine for these people. This takes away funds meant for food supply, school fees and other development projects. It is estimated by Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council that treatment of diarrhea caused by water contamination in Sub-Saharan Africa takes away 12% of countries’ health budget. Government in the areas channels their energy and part of fund allocated for other expenditures to helping people affected by lack of water at the expense of other essential services like maintaining peace and security in the region. Human Development report suggests that use of water by human is mainly on agriculture and irrigation. In Sub-Saharan Africa, agricultural activities account from over 80% of the total water consumption. Majority of people in this region depend on agriculture. In rural areas, 90% of families rely on producing their own food hence water scarcity leads to loss of food security. Conflict arises in this region due to political interferences in irrigated land due to land tenure and ownership problems. Governments in this part of the world lack funds and skilled human resources that can support technology and infrastructure needed for good water management and crop irrigation. Scarcity of safe water makes people use waste water for irrigation. This makes a lot of people to eat food with disease causing organisms. Women in this part of the world are burdened by lack of clean water for drinking. They are the collectors, managers as well as guardian of water in domestic spheres which include household chores such as washing, child rearing and cooking. They spend a considerable amount of time fetching water (Dreibelbis, Winch, Leontsini, Hulland, Ram, Unicomb, et al., 2013). This causes a decrease in the time available for education. Their health is also at risk of skeletal damage caused by carrying heavy loads of water every day over long distances. Loss of potential school days and education prevents the next generation of women from holding professional employments. Access to safe water for drinking will make women in Sub-Saharan Africa increase time allocated to education which will make them take leadership positions. Scarcity of water makes many children in this region drop out of school to help in household chores which are made more intense by lack of water. Increase in population in Africa and lack of safe water for drinking has caused a lot of strain and conflict on relations between communities and between countries.It has been argued that Nile River is a source of conflict in nine countries. Water fro Nile River is the only source of sustaining life in both Sudan and Egypt. Egyptians use military force to make sure they retain control over Nile River because she has no other source of water. This conflict runs from the colonial era when England textile factories depended on Sudan and Egypt agricultural activities. After the colonial era, Egypt continued to create political instability in Ethiopia. It blocked international financing agencies from giving loans to Ethiopia in order to finance projects on the river. The conflict is now real because Ethiopia has now managed to carry out water projects on her own like building hydro-power dams and irrigation programs. Egypt has been reported to issue threats of war to Tanzania and Ethiopia. In 1970s, Egypt armed Somalia separatist rebels in Ethiopia in the Somali invasion. The nine involved states have had agreements and treaties in a bid to control conflict. However, treaties and agreements have resulted to inequitable rights of using water from Nile River between countries. An example is a treaty between Great Britain and Ethiopia, Emperor Menelik II, king of kings of Ethiopia. He agreed with the government of His Britannic Majesty not to construct or permit construction projects across Blue Nile, the Sobat and Lake Tana in 1902. In 1906, an agreement between Britain and Government of Independent state of Congo would not construct or permit any construction of projects over or near Semliki or Isango rivet that would reduce the amount of water entering Lake Albert. In 1925, conflict between Egypt and Ethiopia escalated because Ethiopia opposed earlier agreements (Dreibelbis et al., 2013). The League of Nations demanded Italy and British government give an explanation on sovereignty of Ethiopia on Lake Tana. The League of Nations did not help resolve the conflict because there was no self enforcing and reliable mechanism to protect the property rights of stakeholders which is necessary for international water development to be applied. Due to failure of United Nations to help solve the Nile basin conflict, nine riparian states formed a partnership called Nile Basin Initiative. Its mandate is to develop Nile River in a cooperative way, sharing social-economic benefits that promote regional security and peace. World Bank agreed to support the work of Nile Basin Initiative as a development partner as well as an administrator of multi donor Nile Basin Trust Fund. Disputes have also erupted in Niger River Basin. Disagreements and disputes in this basin are caused by limited access to safe drinking water. The disputes are between communities in Mali, Nigeria, and Niger. River flows and rainfall have reduced from 1970s leading to tension between two communities that live in the basin. The two communities are pastoralists and farmers. Pastoralists are forced by lack of water to travel farther with their herds. On the other hand, farmers expand their cropland to take care of increasing population. This reduces pathways that are available to herder and their livestock. Tension increased due to poor policy decisions. In Lokoga in Nigeria, government started dredging Niger River in early 2009 to increase commercial shipping (Huang, Jacangelo Schwab, 2011). The government of Nigeria argued that dredging would help reduce flooding but late farmer suffered from floods in 2010. Farmers resulted to building homes and cultivating land away from the river leading to reduction in land available for grazing. This has facilitated conflict between the two communities greatly. New dams rose built by the government of Nigeria raised ecological issues that provoked hard negotiations over sharing of resources equitably in Niger Basin (Loftus, 2009). It was reported that Mali and Niger did not support construction of dams across the river. Navigation of the river was also constrained by the availability of large boats when water is deep enough. Climate change in Niger Basin has caused a high degree of variability in river flows, rainfall and temperature. The international community is doing little in helping the conflicting countries in the Niger Basin resolve the conflict. Scarcity of safe drinking water has also led to a lot of competition in Volta River basin. Volter River basin is said to be one of the poorest part in Africa continent and is shared by six West African states. People in the basin depend on agriculture as their means of livelihood. The population in West Africa is growing at the rate of 3% thus putting pressure on water resources and land. Burkina Faso is increasing agricultural development upstream using surface resources such as water (Okun, 1991). Water development in Burkina Faso has had a negative impact on Akosombo Dam which Ghana depends on for its energy supply. In 1998, low water level caused energy crisis in Ghana which ended up blaming Burkina Faso water project. Low water levels could have been caused by other factors such as unreliable rainfall variability. Peaceful conflict resolutions could be hindered in the future by insufficient communication between Ghana and Burkina Faso (Ram, Kelsey, Miarintsoa, Rakotomalala, Duns ton, Quick, 2007). Ghana wants to create dams for power generation while Burkina Faso plans to use water for irrigation hence causing conflicts of interest. This conflict received international community recognition which formed a major inter-governmental program to enhance regional cooperation. Green cross water for peace project was put in place to ensure full and also active involvement of representatives of civil societies across the region in generation of basin’s agreement, management policies and principles. Developing countries can learn form developed countries on how to have adequate water supply and sanitation facilities, management of floods, pollution, management of rivers and large dams. Ram et al. (2007) argues that good governance can help address the lack of safe drinking water. He further argues that good governance is essential in procuring loans and aid for water projects form international organizations like world bank, International Monetary Fund, Africa Development bank and from developed countries like Britain, Germany, china, France, united Sates of America and Russia (Rosenberg, 2010). An example of a country that applied good governance to address water problem is South Africa. After Apartheid, the government of South Africa inherited huge problems of access to safe drinking water. It had a population of over 15 million people lacked access to clean water. The government managed to commit itself to high standards and investment subsidies to achieve its goal. From that time South Africa has made good progress to a point where it reached the universal access to improved water source in its urban centers. Similarly, the percentage of people in rural areas with access to clean water increased from sixty six percent to seventy nine percent from 1991 to 2010 (Loftus, 2009). Good governance will help government in developing countries partner with institutions that will help turn all underperforming utilities into good service providers. They would also benefit from the expertise in local, national and international sectors. Research has shown that it is difficult to change processes in water sectors. There has been friction between stakeholder and partners in determining priorities. This led to ambiguities in the role and responsibilities allocation resulting to the high cost of transaction. Just like in developed countries, good governance in developing countries will enable providers and policymakers are accountable to water users. This assists in improving services and enhancing consumer understanding the need for changes and the possible contribution of public private partnership (Ram et al., 2007). Great relationship with international financial institutions will enable developed countries have an adequate supply of safe water. World Bank is known to finance building of infrastructure such as funds to dig boreholes. It usually subsidizes the cost of infrastructure through inter-governmental transfers, donor projects and social development funds (Okun, 1991). Developing countries should consider the use of use Decentralized Mebran Filtration system. This technology provides safe drinking water that is clean. This system employs effective ways of removing surrogate bacteria and parasites from drinking water hat is responsible for contamination of water. This method is affordable to low income countries. Decentralized Mebran Filtration system is appropriate where central municipal water treatment is not possible. It aims to apply integrated bench scale and field scale approach in evaluating sustainability of Decentralized Mebran Filtration system in providing safe drinking water (Huang et al., 2011). Another possible solution is applying desalinization technology. This technology is said to filter salty water through membranes and removing salt through a process of electro dialysis and the reverse osmosis. The technology has worked in over one hundred and thirty countries in Middle East and in North Africa. With this technology, countries that are currently using it produce over six billion gallons of safe drinking water a day. Recycling and filtration should also be encouraged because the two methods are easy and cheap. Conserving water can also be achieved on a smaller scale beginning with improvement in homes (EMD, 2009). Developed countries should explore and exploit underground water. A country like Kenya and Namibia has discovered a 10,000 year old supply of water in underground aquifers. This underground water can satisfy the needs of Namibia for over four hundred years. Researchers argue that throughout Africa, there is twenty times more underground water than volume of surface water. The population of Africa is expected to increase to over two billion in 2050. This implies that countries need to explore other sources of water since traditional sources of fresh water are affected by changes in climate, lack of rainfall and rises in temperature that evaporate lakes and rivers. Other methods that developing countries should encourage their citizens to use include boiling water. It is an efficient method of water sterilization though boiling is costly in terms of fuel use. Another method is solar disinfection by use of ultraviolet radiation. This method is cheap and less damaging. It involves putting water in transparent plastic bottles and exposing it to sunlight for about forty eight hours. This technology cost people nothing by only plastic bottles full of water on corrugated metal roof. Low income countries should also start water projects like water dams and rain catchment systems. These methods are simple and inexpensive. A well close to a village or in a village ensures people do not walk long distances in search of water. It saves time hence making sure there is enough time allocated for other things like learning (Barone, 2008). Campbell et al. (2013) argues that integrated research can help countries achieve adequate supply of safe water for drinking. He attributes the lack of water to fear and inadequate reorganization by communities. He points out that global research can help solve the problem of water scarcity and proper sanitation. This implies that United Nations should put more effort in bringing solutions to water problems. African countries can achieve adequate supply of clean water if they invest in integrated research and funding. They should also put in place policies and infrastructures that attract foreign investments from developed countries such as United States of America, France, China and Russia. Lack of safe water for drinking is a global problem. It affects both developed countries as well as developing countries. United Nations should look for ways to deal with water scarcity and amicable ways of resolving political instabilities resulting from water stress. Developing countries should learn from developed countries on the most appropriate ways of providing clean water. They should maintain good governance and a good environment that can attract foreign investors as well as donors. Through collective effort from all stakeholders, the problem of water can be solved. References Barone, J. (2008). Better Water. Discovery, 29(5), 31-32. Campbell, R. L., Caldwell, D., Hopkins, B., Heaney, C. D., Wing, S., Wilson, S. M., et al. (2013). Integrating Research and Community Organizing to Address Water and Sanitation Concerns in a Community Bordering a Landfill. Journal of Environmental Health, 75(10), 48-50. Dreibelbis, R., Winch, P. J., Leontsini, E., Hulland, K. R., Ram, P. K., Unicomb, L., et al. (2013). The Integrated Behavioural Model for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene: a systematic review of behavioural models and a framework for designing and evaluating behaviour change interventions in infrastructure-restricted settings. BMC Public Health, 13(1), 1015. EMD Millipore (2013, September 23). EMD Millipore Donates $30,000 to Charity: Water in Recognition of World Water Week. Pharma Business Week, p. 22. Huang, H., Jacangelo, J. G., Schwab, K. J. (2011). Decentralized Membrane Filtration System for Sustainable and Safe Drinking Water Supply in Low-Income Countries: Baseline Study. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 137(11), 981-989. Loftus, A. (2009). Rethinking Political Ecologies of Water. Third World Quarterly, 30(5), 953-968. Okun, D. A. (1991). A Water and Sanitation Strategy for the Developing World. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 33(8), 16-43. Ram, P. K., Kelsey, E., Miarintsoa, R. R., Rakotomalala, O., Dunston, C., Quick, R. E. (2007). Bringing Safe Water to Remote Populations: An Evaluation of a Portable Point-of-Use Intervention in Rural Madagascar. American Journal of Public Health, 97(3), 398-400. Rosenberg, T. (2010). The burden of thirst. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Magazine. Source document

Friday, September 20, 2019

Impact of Bail and House Arrest

Impact of Bail and House Arrest Introduction Bail and house arrest are parts of the legal system that allow offenders to serve time or await trial outside of the normal jail settings. Bail allows a defendant to await trial outside of jail buy paying a sum of money as a guarantee that he or she will show up to court at their designated time (Abrams Rohlfs, 2011). House arrest allows the convicted to serve their appointed sentence at their home instead of in prison. This time served comes with conditions that require the convicted to remain at home and only go to pre-approved locations such as work, the grocery store, medical appointments, etc., at approved times. They both offer the benefit of saving the government, be it federal or local, the money it typically spends on housing criminals in the jail/prison system. The Findlaw blog estimates that keeping someone in prison can cost more than $20,000 per year. House arrest also aides in keeping the prison facilities from being overcrowded (Trinh, 2015). Bail and house arrest do offer problems to the defendants and the public as well. This paper will look at some of the problems associated with the bail and house arrest options, namely the dangers to the public posed by both and the additional strain to recipients of house arrest. The following sources will help prove those points and examine the pros and cons of each. Bail Bail is a promise a defendant makes in the form of cash or equal value in property to return to court in order to stand trial on the charges that there stand accused of in order to receive that payment back. A simplified way of looking at the bail process is that if you make someone pay $1000, or equivalent value in property, they will return to court to stand trial with the promise of getting that money back (Feige, 2015). The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution each contain a clause on due process. This clause is there to protect citizens from arbitrary denial of life, liberty, or property by the government outside the sanction of law. The Eighth Amendment has an excessive bail clause which is designed to protect defendants from being subject to excessive bail set during pre-trial detention. One recent example of this clause protecting a defendant from excessive bail set can be found in the murder case of Robert Durst. Durst was given a $3 billion bail during pre-trial activities in 2004. An appeals court in Texas later deemed it excessive and that no one could meet the requirements of a bail that high, not Durst himself, and definitely not the bail companies. The court then lowered the bail to $450,000. (, 2004) One of the issues with this clause is that it leaves too much room for interpretation when applying bail practices. The clause simply states: excessive bail shall not be required which is extremely vague. To remain in line with the Eighth Amendment, there should be a definitive explanation of the term excessive which doesnt exist. This led to bail reform being sought out. The Bail Reform Act of 1984 was designed address some concerns that pretrial detention may be violation of constitutional rights. The Act was supposed to help keep defendants from being presumed guilty before their trials occurred. This is definitely a benefit for a society based on the notion that defendants are innocent until proven guilty. However, the Act has allowed for the extreme conditions of release for those defendants that can afford them (Zweig, 2010). Another complaint with the bail system is that it favors the wealthy and discriminates against the poor. Poorer defendants do not have the disposable income to afford to pay bail and often have that used against them to force, or coerce, a guilty plea from them with a promise to avoid jail time, only to go home with a crime on their record. These blemishes on their criminal record can have a lasting negative affect on their ability to find employment in the future among other things. (Feige, 2015) Yet another complaint with the bail system is that is puts the recipients back on the street while they await the completion of the judicial process. For the innocent defendants, this is not an issue. However, this is not the case for the defendants that are actually guilty. These guilty defendants are now in a position to recommit their crimes, or commit new crimes, including attempting to harm potential witnesses for case against them (Sacks Ackerman, 2014). House Arrest House arrest allows for a defendant in a case to serve time or await trial at their primary residence. House Arrest is designed to keep nonviolent offenders from becoming repeat offenders. House arrest wont necessarily restrict the defendant to their home, however. Some exceptions, like attending medical appointments, going to work or school, attending church, and certain shopping trips may exist and must be preapproved. House arrest is an alternative to serving jail time and it is intended for nonviolent offenders accused of minor crimes. It also requires electronic monitoring of the offender. The offender is monitored 24 hours a day to track their whereabouts in ensure that they remain in predefined locations. It may seem like a benefit at first, because the offender gets to avoid jail time. However, recipients soon find out that having their movements restricted and forcing other family members to complete functions they would normally perform can become more and more stressful as time goes on. Often times, the family of the prisoner begins to feel as if they are being punished as well; leading to strained relationships. One argument against house arrest is that it unfairly punishes the family of the prisoner for the duration of the sentence (Brown Elrod, 1995). Another issue with house arrest is that the offenders could be dragged back into court or before their parole officers when there is a malfunction with the device and risk a return to prison. Some offense that fit this description included losing a connection while taking public transportation, such as a subway, to a preapproved appointment, or just losing power to the device. In fact, the prisoner, is responsible for ensuring that the device remains charged and powered on at all times. The prisoner is also required to pay the costs associated with electronic monitoring. For this reason, an offender with gainful employment is the ideal recipient of a house arrest sentence. The offender must also maintain a home phone land line without call waiting, call forwarding, caller id, other advanced features to be eligible for home electronic monitoring. Repetitive violations of these requirements could land the prisoner back in jail. One last noteworthy problem with house arrest, is that even though it is normally intended for nonviolent offenders, each jurisdiction makes their own rules for the conditions of house arrest. There have been times with some dangerous criminals have been allowed to serve time awaiting trial on house arrest. One notable occurrence of this fact can be seen in a gang member, Rashawn Hines, from the Wilmington neighborhood of Chicago being allowed to await trial under house arrest in November of 2014. Hines was later arrested for another charge. An investigation led to findings that his house was a local hangout for the Bloods street gang and that Hines distributed guns and drugs to members of the gang (Norton, 2014). Conclusions: Bail and house arrest both get defendants/offenders out of the prison and jail system during the judicial process. This saves the governing agencies money on housing them in jail. It was noted earlier that incarcerating a prisoner costs the government more than $20,000 per year. It also allows the government to avoid the problem of overcrowding in the prison system. However, they both have the possibility of putting criminals back on the street with the common public. While the intent of both practices is to deter individuals from repeating the offense or committing other offenses, the truth is there is no guarantee of that, especially when you give them the access to do so. Home monitoring can keep law enforcement aware of the individuals location, but it cannot stop them from committing any specific action. In the case of Rashawn Hines, electronic monitoring could not stop criminals and gang members from coming to him. Bail is way of helping to preserve the notion of innocent until proven guilty which our judicial system is based on, but not every defendant is actually innocent. Bail allows all recipients, innocent and guilty alike, back on the streets. The guilty are in a position to commit the offense again or commit new offenses, including fleeing from the jurisdiction they were arrested in or hindering the investigation against them. Both provide benefits to the government, especially financial benefits. However, they both raise concerns of safety to the public as well. There are benefits and consequences that should be weighed and considered in any possible system reforms. Sources: Abrams, D. S., Rohlfs, C. (2011). Optimal bail and the value of freedom: Evidence from the Philadelphia bail experiment. Economic Inquiry, 49(3), 750-770. Brown, M. P., Elrod, P. (1995). Electronic house arrest: an examination of citizens attitudes. Crime Delinquency, 41, 332. Feige, D. (2015, June 11). Bail Is a Fundamentally Unfair Way to Coerce Guilty Pleas From Poor People. Heres a Fix. Retrieved February 11, 2017, from Gainey, R. R., Payne, B. K. (2003). Changing attitudes toward house arrest with electronic monitoring: the impact of a single presentation? International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology, 47(2), 196-209. Lilly, J. R., Ball, R. A. (1987). Brief History of House Arrest and Electronic Monitoring. Northern Kentucky Law Review, 13(3), 343-374. Retrieved from Leon, M. (1999). On the Value and Scope of Freedom. Ratio, 12(2) 162-177. Norton, F. T. (2014, November 6). Gang investigation led to arrest of man under house arrest, drug bust. StarNews Online. Retrieved February 18, 2017, from Sacks, M., Sainato, V. A., Ackerman, A. R. (2014). Sentenced to Pretrial Detention: A Study of Bail Decisions and Outcomes. American Journal of Criminal Justice. Staff. (2004, August 26). Court lowers $3 billion bail for Durst. Retrieved February 11, 2017, from Trinh, L., Esq. (2015, March 27). 5 Things You Should Know About House Arrest [Web log post]. Retrieved February 17, 2017, from Zweig, J. (2010). Extraordinary conditions of release under the Bail Reform Act. Harvard Journal of Legislation, 47 (2). Retrieved February 10, 2017, from

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Revolution and Low Income :: Social Issues, Family Size, Poverty

This paper tells how certain factors characterize family size. Also, tells why poor people in evolving countries usually have large numbers of children. Most people are persuaded by their family values and environment. However, some people are faced with the challenged of survive. Generally, poor people have so many children due to lack of education and no resources to take care of their children. Another is revolutions for human determined family size. The rich nations are above average and middle-income nations are average; unlike, the low-income nations are below average (p.198). There are other key factors that also determine, â€Å"why poor people having larger families?† This essay will answer the following questions: 1.) Describe the factors that influence family size? 2.) Why do poor people in developing countries typically have large numbers of children? The Factors that Influence Family Size In reading Chapter 8 revolutions gave Homo sapiens an authoritative role of the outlook that humans are defined as revolutionary. The revolutions played a major part in humans coming out of confined cultures to the universal human cultures today (p.194). There are five factors that influence family size. Wright and Boorse (2011) suggested they are: 1.) Neolithic Revolution - changed the way human lived. The shift from hunting & gathering to agriculture led to permanent settlements, the establishment of social classes, and the eventual rise of civilizations (p.194). 2.) Industrial Revolution - changed the ways by how the world produced its goods. During the 17th and 18th the human population were a billion strong. This was not political, social or cultural revolution but economic (p.194-5). 3.) Medical Revolution - improved medical conditions for humans. In the late 1800 Louis Pasteur and others indicated diseases were originated from bacteria, viruses and parasites (p.196). 4.) The Green Revolution - the effective use of pesticides, and improved fertilization, irrigation, mechanization, and soil conservation techniques. This happened around World War II (p.196). 5.) The Newest Revolution - internet, computers, nanotechnology, robotics and solar technologies (p.197). Therefore, revolutions have empowered family growth due to evolvement of tools, medicines and technologies. In today society hands tools are mostly operated by batteries or electricity. Also, there are preventative measurements that keep you from contracting diseases. Besides, computers and others technologies updates everyone on what is happening in the world today. Why Poor People have Large Number of Children According to Wright and Boorse (2011) defined poor people have large number of children as a result of income and sociocultural conditions (p. The Revolution and Low Income :: Social Issues, Family Size, Poverty This paper tells how certain factors characterize family size. Also, tells why poor people in evolving countries usually have large numbers of children. Most people are persuaded by their family values and environment. However, some people are faced with the challenged of survive. Generally, poor people have so many children due to lack of education and no resources to take care of their children. Another is revolutions for human determined family size. The rich nations are above average and middle-income nations are average; unlike, the low-income nations are below average (p.198). There are other key factors that also determine, â€Å"why poor people having larger families?† This essay will answer the following questions: 1.) Describe the factors that influence family size? 2.) Why do poor people in developing countries typically have large numbers of children? The Factors that Influence Family Size In reading Chapter 8 revolutions gave Homo sapiens an authoritative role of the outlook that humans are defined as revolutionary. The revolutions played a major part in humans coming out of confined cultures to the universal human cultures today (p.194). There are five factors that influence family size. Wright and Boorse (2011) suggested they are: 1.) Neolithic Revolution - changed the way human lived. The shift from hunting & gathering to agriculture led to permanent settlements, the establishment of social classes, and the eventual rise of civilizations (p.194). 2.) Industrial Revolution - changed the ways by how the world produced its goods. During the 17th and 18th the human population were a billion strong. This was not political, social or cultural revolution but economic (p.194-5). 3.) Medical Revolution - improved medical conditions for humans. In the late 1800 Louis Pasteur and others indicated diseases were originated from bacteria, viruses and parasites (p.196). 4.) The Green Revolution - the effective use of pesticides, and improved fertilization, irrigation, mechanization, and soil conservation techniques. This happened around World War II (p.196). 5.) The Newest Revolution - internet, computers, nanotechnology, robotics and solar technologies (p.197). Therefore, revolutions have empowered family growth due to evolvement of tools, medicines and technologies. In today society hands tools are mostly operated by batteries or electricity. Also, there are preventative measurements that keep you from contracting diseases. Besides, computers and others technologies updates everyone on what is happening in the world today. Why Poor People have Large Number of Children According to Wright and Boorse (2011) defined poor people have large number of children as a result of income and sociocultural conditions (p.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Analyse the Opening Chapter of Great Expectations :: Great Expectations Essays

Analyse the opening chapter of Great Expectations The author Charles Dickens wrote ‘Great Expectations’ as a series of instalments, which then put together and turned into a novel. It has been written in first person narrative, which is good because you get to know pip very well. My expectations of the opening chapter of ‘Great Expectations’ Where far from what I experienced when we actually read the book. It was also set in the olden days. By the end of the story I found it quite entertaining. In the first paragraph we expect to be introduced to the plot, characters and the setting. In this first chapter Pip meets the convict up on the graveyard, which is the highlight of the chapter. The convict scars pip into bringing him ‘whittles’ which means necessary like food and drinks. The convict also gets pip to bring him a file because pip mentions that his brother in law is a blacksmith. Pip is scared of the convict because of the language he uses ‘keep still you little devil or ill cut you’re throat. When a ‘fearful man, all in course grey, with an iron on his leg. A man with no hat, and with broken shoes and with an old rag tied round his head. A man who had been soaked in water, and smothered in mud, and lamed by stones, and cut by flints, and stung by nettles, and torn by briars; who limped, and shivered and he glared and growled; and whose teeth chattered in his head as he seized me by the chin’ says that to a young child we believe to be about 11 – 14 years old Pip is going to do everything he is asked to do and exactly when he says it. The first character to be introduced was Pip. In the first paragraph he introduces himself and tells us that his fathers name was ‘Pirrip’ and his Christian name is ‘Philip’ so he mixed the two names together and came up with ‘Pip’. His mother and father died before he can remember them and there was no such thing as photos in those days so they do not know what they look like or what they are like to talk to and get on with. Pip got introduced first because he is the main character. The other character we meet in this chapter is the convict. The author gives the convict an animal imagery when he 'ate the bread ravenously'. Pips character is polite and he speaks to the convict who is threatening his life using words like 'kindly please to let me keep

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Henry David Thoreau Essay

Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862) was an American writer and philosopher famous for his naturalistic and anarchical ideas as well as his adherence to the movement of transcendentalism. Thoreau was a vegetarian, actively stood against slavery and war, and was one of the first who supported Darwin’s theory of evolution. Among his many works, the best known are his essay, Civil Disobedience, a proclamation against injustice and an urge for individual opposition to civil government, and the book ‘Walden’, where Thoreau’s reflects his personal experience of living simple life in natural environment. Although these works, like many others of Thoreau, are considered ‘transcendental’ and had been published ages ago, the ideas and concepts they contain may still at some point be related to the issues we may face while living in the 21st century. In general, the core of transcendental beliefs is a faith into a perfect spiritual state of mind that transcends both empirical and physical. It can only be realized through the person’s intuition, not through the doctrines of any existing religions. Therefore, it is rather a philosophy then a religion. The transcendentalism was grounded on principles that are ‘transcendental’, i. e.  based not upon sensual experiences but upon inner feelings and empirical, spiritual essence of a human. (En. wikipedia. org) American transcendentalism was mainly dominating in the first half of the 19th century, encouraging to abandon our mundane world, establish close relationship between human and nature, and to concentrate on ideal existence through spiritual abundance and self-reliance. Henry David Thoreau was admitted as a co-founder of this movement not only for his great thoughts on transcendentalism, but also for his empirical ideas and personal practice of his beliefs, which was greatly illustrated in his most famous book, ‘Walden’. The book firstly released as ‘Walden, or Life in the Woods’ (1854) was later widely recognized as one of the best non-fictional works of American authors. Living amidst woodland that belonged to R. W. Emerson, his friend and another founder of transcendentalism, near Concord, Massachusetts, in the small unpretentious self-built cabin, Thoreau mainly aimed to isolation from society for its better, more objective understanding. He stayed there alone for almost two years but kept receiving and returning visits. For example, he often went to Emerson’s hÐ ¾use for meÐ °l and conversÐ °tion. Moreover, as he indicates in the book, the cabin was located ‘at the edge of town’, not in the wilderness, even not far away from his family home. Therefore, he focuses reader’s attention on the importance of human’s closeness to the nature, self-reliance and meditation. The book combines Thoreau’s autobiography with a criticism of society, namely American consumerism, materialism, and nature destruction, – the issues still common in our century as well. Such experiment of cut-off living was made by Thoreau for special purposes. First, he tried to escape the negative effects of the Industrial Revolution through keeping agrarian lifestyle. Interesting fact, – the experiment was of a temporary character, and in the book Thoreau strongly advises his readers to avoid repeating it. Thus, anyone who studies Thoreau’s works has to keep in mind that at some degree they should be approached philosophically rather than understood literally. Second, the writer wanted to practically experience the main transcendental belief that every individual can transcend from normal to divine by means of nature itself. Like other members of the movement, in the ‘Walden’ Thoreau, for example, speaks about Vedic concepts to illustrate his vision of the nature. â€Å"I lay down the book and go to my well for water, and lo! There I meet the servant of Brahmin, priest of Brahma, and Vishnu, and Indra, who still sits in his temple of the Ganges reading the Vedas, or dwells at the root of a tree with his crust and water-jug. I meet his servant come to draw water for his master, and our buckets as it were grate together in the same well. The pure Walden water is mingled with the sacred water of the Ganges. (Thoreau 221) At some point, Thoreau’s attempts to promote the ideals of transcendentalism may seem to be impractical and rather inapplicable. In fact, after an in-depth analysis, Thoreau’s ideals may even look infeasible, namely his appeals to ascetic way of living and refusal of common human needs. In the scope of critical thinking, impossibility to follow the idea of living without any blessings of civilization is rather obvious. The average American who lives in the 21st century can hardly imagine him- or herself without Internet connection, using cell-phones, driving cars, or going to supermarkets. Nevertheless, it is possible at certain degree. Moreover, due to global ecology problems, it even may become necessary for each of us to refuse some advantages of our daily welfare for the great purpose of saving the world from environmental catastrophe. For this reason ‘Walden’, as well as many other Thoreau’s works, is frequently quoted by specialists who work in various fields and are concerned with the environmental problems of the Earth in general and in the USA in particular. While the whole issue of bad ecology becomes more and more crucial, Thoreau’s idea of simple life in the forest turns out to be not as unsuitable as it seemed at first glance. It is important to mention that Thoreau’s works on natural history is a great anticipation of findings and methods in the fields of ecology and the history of environment, which later became main sources of nowadays movement of environmentalism. In the book ‘Earth Rising: American Environmentalism in the 21st Century’ we read that â€Å"some 150 years ago, transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau, sitting in his tiny cabin on Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts, was already mourning the loss of the wilderness and the debilitating effect of industrialism on the human spirit†. (Shabecoff 16) Thoreau significant influence onto the entire concept of nature preservation and conservation is unquestionable. â€Å"In the United States†¦ the movement expanded in the 1800s, out of concerns for protecting the natural resources of the West, with individuals such as John Muir and Henry David Thoreau making key philosophical contributions. Thoreau was interested in people’s relationship with nature and studied this by living close to nature in a simple life. He published his experiences in the book ‘Walden’, which argues that people should become intimately close with nature. The conservationist principles as well as the belief in an inherent right of nature were to become the bedrock of modern environmentalism†. The conservation movement is a political, social and scientific movement that aims to protect natural resources, including plant and animal species as well as their habitat for the future. Chiefly in the United States, conservation is seen as differing from environmentalism in that it seeks to preserve natural resources expressly for their continued sustainable use by humans. In other parts of the world conservation is used more broadly to include the setting aside of natural areas and the active protection of wildlife for their inherent value. (En. wikipedia. org) Because of Thoreau and his associates humanity became truly concerned about the nature, the world we live in. He can definitely be called a pioneer ecologist. Numerous contemporary movements and organizations prove the actuality of environment problem and therefore significance of all Thoreau’s works related to nature preservation. For example, his vision of the environmental issues in the 19th century became a ground for the book ‘From Walden to Wall Street: Frontiers of Conservation Finance’ written in the current times. â€Å"Why do we invest in conservation? Why do human beings invest their time, energy and financial resources in protection of land, plants, and animals? We invest in conservation because it is an expression of our faith in the future. Conservation investment is an expression of our faith in the future of natural systems that are essential to life on Earth. It is an expression of our faith in the future of deeply loved natural wonders. And it is an expression of faith in the future of our families and communities whose lives will be immeasurably enriched by the living world that we are striving to sustain†. (Levitt 3) Here is one more evidence on how outstanding were the Thoreau’s works and what a great impact they made and still do. In ‘Walden’ he included a famous aphorism that â€Å"in wilderness is the preservation of the world†. Thoreau kindled the Wilderness Religion that found fertile ground in America and provided a spiritual basis for conservation. In ‘The Main Woods’ (1864) Thoreau called for the establishment of national forest preserves, helping to set the stage for the National Park movement. (Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature 6) Despite of the fact that Walden is considered by some critics a failed experiment, the issues raised in the book are still of current importance. As 21st-century people, for instance, we suffer of consumerism and globalization, with their negative ethical aspects. Thoreau’s prophetic awareness of them is amazing, they are as relevant now, as they used to be in his century. He rejects consumerism, its adverse effect on society with its status stratification, and still teaches us lessons vital for our survival and progress. Another kind of ideas Thoreau often promoted in his works are related to anarchism and civil disobedience. Thus, let us shift our attention to this theme of Thoreau’s writings and discuss how those fit in the American viewpoint of the 21st century. In his disobedience to the American low of his times he was as prominent as in his attempts to bring humanity closer to the nature. He certainly was a key figure in the American radicalism. Disobedience was the main point in his endeavors to justifÃ'Æ' morÐ °l anÐ °rchism and to encourage each individual to act on the basis of their personal judgments, their personal opinion about the very justice rather than civil regulations. Unfortunately, Thoreau offers nothing instead and relies of his personal sÐ µnse of justice, which is univÐ µrsal. Here is the historical background of the essay. â€Å"’Civil Disobedience’ is an analysis of the individual’s relationship to the state that focuses on why men obey governmental law even when they believe it to be unjust. But ‘Civil Disobedience’ is not an essay of abstract theory. It is Thoreau’s extremely personal response to being imprisoned for breaking the law. † Because he opposed slavery and because tax revenues contributed to the support of it, Thoreau decided to become a tax rebel. He was arrested and imprisoned. It was short as a one night but has had enduring effect through the writing of ‘Civil Disobedience’ which has exerted its powerful force over time. (McElroy 2) In accordance with Thoreau’s ideals, the government of his days was far from perfection due to Mexican-American war and slavery expanded in the US. Therefore, the essay was written as anti-slavery and anti-war protest soon after the war’s beginning. Thoreau later wrote about governmental justice. â€Å"If it is of such a nature that requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law. Let your life be a counter friction to stop he machine†¦ Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also prison†. (Thoreau 259) In the essay the author urges American citizens to show their disagreement to government by passive disobedience without acts of violence. Such form of protest was later used by Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King who initiated movements for social changes. Thoreau was emphasizing the importance of acting upon the person’s ethical and moral beliefs. According to Thoreau, â€Å"unjust law exists: shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them, and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at once? † This urge to disobedience is in tune with the message of ‘Walden’. Those who are not satisfied with the society should not obey its norms, and neither wait until the norms are changed, nor until the majority joins them, but live according to their own believes. Personal values should be compared to the ones of the contemporary society, and unless they comply, stick the voice of conscience. Thoreau also said that â€Å"it costs me less in every sense to incur the penalty of disobedience to the state, than it would to obey. I should feel as if I were worth less in that case. † (Thoreau 258) In fact, many of the issues pinpointed by Thoreau 150 years ago have not yet been overcome by the American society, and that strikes the most. He hated its slavish materialism as well as commercialism and believed that â€Å"the state should never rank above the individual conscience or the business of living. But if the state demands a person’s first allegiance by asking him to violate his conscience and participate in an injustice, the person should disobey – not through violence but by removing his cooperation. † (McElroy 3) Thoreau foresaw many issues typical to the modern American society. Over 150 years ago he predicted the crisis, spiritual and moral, that now corrodes it. The writer still begs us to slow down our hectic lives, to review our values, and to live in harmony with our consciences. He repeatedly talks about the possibility to establish a society where the justice is appreciated and the beauty of the nature is preserved.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Technology and Management Functions

The diversely changing business environment has called upon strong models of technological outfit which address the core competencies with which organizations thrive on. Generally, the competitive advantage of the modern organization has only been possible pursuit to the advancement in the technological growth which has consequently helped to streamline the core organizational functions with their goals and objectives. Principally, technology has been of importance in aligning the core management functions towards a resting point of productive layout which gives such an organization adequate stepping stones towards which they can explore the proactive business opportunities within the highly competitive business environment.My organization has indeed rested upon strong technological proximities as a tool for organizational governance based on adequacy in approach of the basic core management functions. This is to imply that, technology has been used as a good source of organizational competence with which my company leverages on, providing it with a long lasting solution for competitive advantage. The technological component within my organization therefore has been a compound of various technological outfits which have been described as inherent in the modern business world in providing functionality, systems design, management and operational ability for the various activities and processes within the organization.Technological has not only been inherent subject to the use and employment of machines and tools, but also the use of intangible technologies and process that help to provide a continuous co-ordination of the day to day organizational activities within the organization as well as with the external stakeholders of the company (Dibrell, Craig, 2008). Various strategic and managerial issues have thus arisen from the same technological development. This has been leveled from the fact that technological development within the organization provide candid grounds with which the management can spearhead various managerial process aimed at strengthening the core management functions as well as other strategic ideologies that arise as a   result of development in technology.Conceptually, technology has continued to play wide range of importance in our organization, bringing into a close realization the core management functions with the expected strategic models of the company. Just to mention, the four management functions which are organizing, controlling, planning and leading, have all been subject to various technological implications. Adequacy in the functionality of the four has been provided by the interactive phenomenon between each and at least a specific technological component, which help in information dissemination and coordination across all the organizational components.An important facet of technology within my organization has been that of information technology, with which classically wide array of communication fram ework across the different organizational components has been necessitated (Lee, Tseng, 2009). Development and investment in business technology within my organization, that runs from simple mobile phone technology, to other information exchange and core production technological tools has been perhaps the building block of our current state of competence in the business environment that uses various operational advantages to address its needs within its approach.Business technology has been the corner stone with which my organization continues to embrace a widely classified competitive advantage from its operational symmetry classified with various advantages. Of importance also has been the investment in digital technology with which the organization uses to channel most of its activities and process through. The step towards management in business technology has thus helped my organization in unifying management and growth in technology towards a center stage of optimal decision m aking and attempt to build a long lasting spirit of the entrepreneurial motive.The quest for technology within my organization has rested on multiple of provisions which include software development, solution in communicating networking, maintenance in computer hardware, technical support systems and the diverse development in the productive technology of the organization. Reliance in computing and other computer related technological components have helped in giving a motive of strong reliance with which my organization can achieve its broad productive mission.By and large, technology has by far helped to address the organizational needs not only by providing an arms length with which the various management functions can continuously integrate with each other, but also from the managerial perspective of comparative advantages it provides to the organization. Just to mention, advancement and investment in technology has provided various statutory benefits and implications for the or ganization.One, technology has been the basic tool with which my organization can undertake its processes and activities in a fast and speedy manner. This has also been doubled with high quality and quantity in output thus meeting the organizational objectives of competitive advantages (Dibrell, Craig, 2008). The use of computer and other technological devices for organizational production has been helpful in providing grounds with which activities can be done in fast and speedy manner. Deliveries and consignments have been able to be provided within their prescribed time frames.Technology has also been a cornerstone for which efficiency can be increased in all organizational undertakings. Efficiency in this perspective has been an importance hallmark with which logistic models that provide competitive advantage for the organization can be enhanced. My organization has thus been able to change and respond instantaneously to various business demands and expectations which foster opti mal executions of their activities. Bias to informational technology for example, data can be stored in various formats which can be explored in a fast and efficient manner to bring about the need for corporate efficiency.Of importance also is the need for multi-tasking with which my organization has been able to embrace adequately subject to the investment in various technological provisions.   For, example, the use of computer and other computer related tools has enabled various persons at different levels of managerial components to perform different tasks at the same time. Multi-tasking within my organization has been one of the important attributes which help to provide optimal resource functionality.Additionally, technology within my organization has been perhaps the most important sediments and a path towards which cost precept can be internalized. The use of a wide framework of technology both in the computing, information technology and the productive process has been imp ortant in safeguarding the cost intercept of the organization (Lee, Tseng, 2009). Both information technology management and business process management have leveraged their axes on the importance of technology as a quest with which the organization can meet its productive layout without much difficult.Summarily therefore, business technology within my organization has thus been used as the core tool for improving communication as well as maximizing the efficiency component within the work place. The company has continuously used structural components of information technology as the main tool with which it can achieve classically various advantages in its productive framework.   It has seldom been able to align its strategic goals and objectives with its various managerial functions. A realized relationship has been achieved between the four levels of management subject to the use of technology as the core model with which it can address its wide array of its activities.Reference Dibrell, C. & Craig, J. (2008). â€Å"Fueling Innovation through Information Technology in SMEs† Journal of Small Business Management, Vol.46, pp.67-79Lee, Y. & Tseng, H. (2009). â€Å"Exploring the Relationship between Information technology Adoption and Business Process Reengineering† Journal of Management and Organization, Vol.15, pp.1-18 Technology and management functions IntroductionAny hospital, whether public or private, requires a clear and comprehensive system of management that will enhance the quality of all organizational initiatives. As with any other type of organization, a hospital must be able to handle tactical and strategic issues, and to guarantee smooth operation and continuity of all business processes. At the age of technological advancement, technology determines the quality, speed, and cost-effectiveness of organizational decision-making. That is why the development and implementation of integrated IT frameworks is the key to a better quality of all planning, organizing, directing, and controlling processes that take place within a highly complicated clinical environment.PlanningPlanning is â€Å"unending course of action† (Buzzle, 2008). The hospital I used to work at was trying to enhance the quality of all planning processes by using an Executive Integrated System (EIS), where budgeting tasks were reasonably combined with other key management functions. The hospital had successfully launched an effective software system, to provide managers with objective financial information and to eliminate wasteful paper-based operations.The system made it possible to track and manage medical order supplies, to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of all medical services, and to address spend management issues. Fully automated reports contained brief critical information with regard to costs and productivity indices for a given period of time. The previous information system had failed to deliver information in a usable form; very often, the needed information had been delivered too late. The newly launched EIS was efficient in a sense that it provided real-time information and maintained flexible approaches to planning (Keegan & Baldwin, 1992). Any changes in financial or strategic management data were immediately reflected and delivered to the hospital’s management, with the latter being able to timely respo nd to the emerging issues.OrganizingObjectively, â€Å"management must organize all its resources well before in hand to put into practice the course of action to decide that has been planned in the base function† (Buzzle, 2008). In hospital, organizing is probably the most complex and the most responsible management mission, which requires using a well-developed system of software solutions and maintaining reasonable combination of electronic and manual organizing procedures. The use of wireless communication systems has become the critical factor leading the hospital to total care quality standards.The introduction of bar coding for all medication items, the use of laptop computers at the bedside, and a new advanced paging system were aimed at providing employees with a better understanding of their responsibilities and tasks. However, despite the visible effectiveness of all these organizing solutions, hospital’s personnel were largely unprepared to using advanced t echnologies in the workplace, and only with time, all administration and business organization processes have been harmonized to serve the needs of patients. By using the new wireless system of communication, the hospital’s management has finally achieved the five major goals of the organizing process, including the effective division of labor, staff positioning, reasonable departmentalization, delegation, and equalizing the power.DirectingAlthough organizing is the most responsible of all management functions, it loses its relevance, if organizations cannot direct and motivate their employees. Our hospital had initially been trying to change the traditional vision of health care management, and to make the directing function of management â€Å"more technological†. It should be noted, that a hospital usually resembles a kind of a virtual team, where team members are scattered across different physical locations but need to maintain continuous intrapersonal relationshi ps. At our hospital, voice conferences were used as the means of synchronous communication between different hospital departments.Voice conferencing was chosen as the communication tool, which did not distract employees from their direct functions, but could be used to ensure that all of them understood the hospital’s strategic goals. Emails and written documentation were used to enhance the quality of virtual communication with employees and between employees and the senior hospital’s management. Unfortunately, technology could not resolve all directing issues; very often, employees needed face-to-face consultations to establish credibility of their organizational efforts. However, with time voice conferences have substantially changed the quality of employee relations at workplace, providing management with an effective real-time tool for directing and motivating medical personnel.ControllingControlling is the last out of four functions of management, which â€Å"in cludes establishing performance standards which are of course based on the company’s objectives† (Buzzle, 2008). In case of the hospital, controlling was used to evaluate employee performance by means of several automated performance appraisal systems in the workplace. As a result of technologies implementation, the time allowed for the completion of performance evaluation forms was dramatically reduced; the hospital’s management was given an opportunity to manage workflows and to track the progress of the performance evaluation process.Although the majority of medical personnel needed time to learn additional technical skills, the system has significantly improved the quality of all business processes within the controlling area. Technology has proved to be an excellent tool of developing cohesive relationships between employees, as well as between employees and the senior management, and has finally created a technologically enhanced management environment acro ss all hospital departments.ConclusionThe use of reliable technological solutions is the key to developing and implementing an effective management system in a highly complicated hospital setting. With the use of budgeting solutions, automated organizing techniques, voice conferences and performance appraisal strategies, a hospital is likely to turn into a technologically advanced, and as a result, a highly organized system of employee interrelationships, which in turn substantially improve the quality of medical services delivered by the hospital to all groups of patients.ReferencesBuzzle. (2008). Management concepts – the four functions of management. January 16, 2009 from, A.J. & Baldwin, B. (1992). EIS: a better way to view hospital trends – executiveinformation systems. Healthcare Financial Management. Retrieved January 16, 2009 from http://findartic;col1