Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Woolf and Mcewan: How the Modern Became Postmodern

Ian McEwan’s Atonement draws inspiration from and alludes to a vast number of 20th century modernist authors and works, both stylistically and thematically. For a novel to be considered a successful culmination to the reading of a large body of works, however, it must not be content with merely echoing the themes, styles, and forms of the past. Rather, it must extend them, add to them creatively, and attempt to pull them into contemporary readership.While his thematic and stylistic allusions to 20th century greats such as Virginia Woolf show his intellectual knowledge of and debt to 20th century modernist writing, it is McEwan’s ability to transform these stylistic and thematic elements and mold them into a postmodern classic that makes Atonement a more than adequate culmination to the readings of a 20th century British Literature course. Stylistically, McEwan draws most heavily from the works of Virginia Woolf for the opening portion of Atonement.The slow pace of the o pening, allowing for the painstakingly detailed description of nearly every scene, in addition to the examination of the psychological motives of multiple main characters, closely mirrors the style of Virginia Woolf, which she incorporates into the majority of her works. To quote a characteristically slow paced, though psychologically enriched, passage from the opening of Woolf’s Between the Acts, â€Å"Mrs. Manresa bubbled up, enjoying her own capacity to surmount, without turning a hair, this minor social crisis—this laying on of two more plates.For had she not complete faith in flesh and blood? and aren’t we all flesh and blood? and how silly to make bones of trifles when we’re all flesh and blood under the skin† (Woolf 39). The passage, to one unfamiliar with the stylistically innovative style of Woolf, seems to meander under the weight of an overly descriptive narrative and, more prominently, under the psychological musings of a character that , until a few pages previous, was nonexistent to the reader. The majority of Between the Acts contains passages of a similar style, of which this is only one randomly chosen example.As is true of many of the passages that can be found in any Woolfian novel, advancing the storyline is secondary to fleshing out the motives, thoughts, and feelings of the characters. With the plot safely set behind in-depth psychological examination in rank of importance, Woolf is free to experiment with a stream-of-consciousness style narrative in which psychological elements of the story feature more prominently than physical elements. In addition to the stream-of-consciousness for which she is well known, there are other characteristics common to much of Woolf’s work.For example, she has the tendency to describe a scene, more often than not, a natural scene, in painstaking detail, reluctant to add action that would too quickly further the narrative. Another passage from Between the Acts provid es and adequate example of this, reading, â€Å"Here came the sun—an illimitable rapture of joy, embracing every flower, every leaf. Then in compassion it withdrew, covering its face, as if it forebore to look on human suffering. There was a fecklessness, a lack of symmetry and order in the clouds as they thinned and thicked.Was it their law, or no law they obeyed? † (Woolf 23). This description of nature essentially is of no consequence to the narrative yet the full passage describing the weather proceeds for almost a full page. The flowing, exceptionally detailed descriptions coinciding with an apparently lacking story line and an in-depth psychological view that the reader is privy to as a result of the stream-of-consciousness style, are all aspects of Woolfian literature that McEwan attempts to draw from and mold to his own postmodernist designs.While McEwan draws inspiration from Woolf in a way that would be just as simple for an author of less talent to do, his a ims are far deeper reaching than an author who simply wishes to garner a comparison to Virginia Woolf. McEwan does borrow quite clearly from the stylings of Woolf, even commenting it upon it himself, writing, â€Å"we wondered if it owed a little too much to the techniques of Mrs. Woolf† (McEwan 294). Rather than be content with merely keeping her modernist conventions intact, however, he completely alters their meaning within the context of his own novel.In the opening portions of Atonement, for example, McEwan, in quite a similar way as Woolf, attempts to gain entry to the psychological depths of his characters. With the exception of a few broad passages required to move the story forward through dialogue or action, the majority of the opening is devoted to the internal monologues of the characters and an examination of their needs, desires, and feelings. This is clearly defined in the earliest pages as the ovel provides passages such as, â€Å"She wanted to leave, she wan ted to lie alone, facedown on her bed and savor the vile piquancy of the moment, and go back down the lines of branching consequence to the point before the destruction began† (McEwan 14). This passage, one of many in a similar style throughout Atonement, attempts, in a stream-of-consciousness in the classic Woolfian sense, to examine the inner psyche of the character rather than force any sort physical, tangible action to occur. In this way, the story’s narrative may seem slow paced while the characters’ motives become more well known to the reader.This borrowing stylistically from Woolf is not necessarily important or groundbreaking, and is certainly no deciding factor in whether this novel should be viewed as a classic in coming decades. There have been many authors who have devoted the entirety of their works to the stream-of-consciousness fiction that Woolf helped to pioneer. As mentioned above, what makes McEwan an author deserving of longevity in his works is that the allusions are not merely presented, but are completely altered from their original meaning by the context of Atonement.He takes deeply alluded to modernist conventions and makes them Briony’s primary source of inspiration, seen most clearly when she ponders the new school of authors and realizes, â€Å"She no longer really believed in characters. They were quaint devices that belonged to the nineteenth century†¦Plots too were like rusted machinery whose wheels would no longer turn†¦It was thought, perception, and sensations that interested he, the conscious mind and how to represent its onward roll† (McEwan 265).There is a certain depth and complexity in the fact that McEwan represents these modernist conventions not as his own, but as those of a thirteen year old girl, the central character of his metanarrative. What McEwan does next with these modernist principles of writing is attempt to show that they too are vestiges of the past, doomed to f all in the face of a more ethical and moral fiction. Just as Briony rejects the realism of the authors of the nineteenth century, McEwan is rejecting the modernism of the 20th century in favor of a postmodernism.One of Briony’s internal monologues to which the reader is privy, begins, â€Å"The interminable pages about light and stone and water, a narrative split between three points of view, the hovering stillness of nothing much seeming to happen—none of this could conceal her cowardice† (McEwan 302). These characteristics, all of which have been shown to influence Woolfian literature, have all failed Briony’s attempt to hide what she knows she has done.The monologue continues in a similar vein with, â€Å"Did she really think she could hide behind some borrowed notions of modern writing, and drown her guilt in a stream—three streams! —of consciousness? †(McEwan 302). Her guilt and the moral and ethical implications of what she has done cannot be fixed through some outdated ideas of modernist fiction, which has no ethical consequences. There are allusions from dozens of modernists authors sprinkled throughout the length of Atonement. Unfortunately, the scope of this paper can give only one of the most prominent.In a similar fashion as with the Woolf example, however, McEwan nearly always thoughtfully engages the text to which he is alluding, but is not content to merely allow these allusions to sit idly in the novel with no sense of purpose. Rather, each of his numerous allusions has some greater purpose in Atonement as McEwan artfully transforms them into something that fits the overall scope of what he attempts to accomplish. Still, the question remains whether or not this book is an adequate culmination of all the readings in a 20th century British literature course.The fact that Atonement not only draws from modernist writers, many of whom are the focus of the aforementioned course, but attempts to extend them creatively and transform them from the 20th century modern to the 21st century postmodern makes Atonement an excellent novel and a fine culmination of a semester of 20th century British literature. Works Cited McEwan, Ian. Atonement. New York: Anchor Books, 2001. Woolf, Virginia. Between the Acts. New York: Harcourt, 2001.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Morality, Behavior and Personality May Be Influenced Essay

Discuss how one’s morality, behavior and personality may be influenced by adoption of a cyber-ego in a Virtual Environment; in respect to both the person adopting the cyber-ego and any observers/participants within the same VE. When one is in a virtual environment for long, one soon becomes convinced that the cyber space world is the real world which is the turning point in his life after which everything turns against him. This virtual world that is mistaken to be the real world is a parallel world that one is in. the presence of one in the virtual world that is non–existent leads one to fall in a state is consciousness which is very different from the one in the real world. After this, one starts to think differently, act in a way one has never acted before and a lot of other things that soon do not make sense to him self either, but this is a fact that although one knows there is something wrong, one can not help it. (Johnson 2003) It becomes a part of one’s life and is difficult to get out of it. After being in a parallel universe that is all made up, there is different stimuli that then change and guides our behaviors. It is a journey which a lot of people find interesting. On their journey to no where, when they are entering the virtual world, they take along the best ethics that their religion could teach them, wonderful morals that they learnt from their parents since they were kids and the cultural ethics that they grew in since they were kids; all that is with them when they are entering the virtual world, but it is ironic that when they come out of it for something they are completely different. (Pritchard 2000) One is a completely different individual which some how loses all its values that were taught to him or her during their life span and all the ethics and morals that they learned while they were in school and all that goes deep down the drain. How the virtual world affects culture, values, morals, ethics and perception of which people are and of what the world is, changes; is what will be discussing through out this report. (Ess 2006) When one enters a virtual environment, it is a battle of what is real and what one has left behind. This is where one’s cyber ego comes into picture. In addition, Cyber ego is primarily what a person thinks of one self in a virtual environment. There is no doubt that there is a lot of artificial intelligence involved in the so called virtual environment that one enters in, but there is a problem of cyber ego that makes many individuals question themselves before entering an environment as such. The moral values are lost and this is not only true but has been experienced by many people who have made a mistake of entering a virtual environment. Talking to different people, people that one is not aware of as ever even existing before they started talking in the cyber world, it changes one’s attitude and the stimuli that one guided the person’s perception and state of emotion; this all mutate and make the individual a different person, for all wrong reasons. (Schultz 2005) There are a lot of things that have an impact on our morals and ethics. For example, the more time one spends on it, the more aggressive one gets. This aggressiveness can be because one can no more differentiate between the real world that one lives in and the virtual world that one is in most of the time of the day. This aggressiveness adds to the change in one’s attitude and hence personality. (Ess 2006) The changes in one’s attitude and personality all depends on how much one might be engrossed in cyber ego. How much one would want oneself to be a part of the virtual environment and adopt cyber ego is the question that will also answer how much a person changes and becomes a truly different person that one was not. It is the difference of decisions that one makes that leads one towards developing a cyber ego being unhealthy to an extent that it would drive the life long morals and ethics out of the person and make one a totally different person. Having this said, it is of utter concern of as to how the changes take place. Some claim that the fact that hours and hours of the week are spent in front of the computer screens being in a world that is non existent. Having a personality that is not the personality the person has in the real world, and faking that personality to be the real one; if so is done for hours, every single day of the week for months or even years, yes there will be a drastic change in what one believes and what one perceives. (George 2003) This will soon be followed by the changes in the person’s emotions towards different things in life, whether it is with family or friends or other loved ones. The emotions at times are not stimulated, because the person is so engrossed with something and being completely some one else that it soon loses the charm of the stimulation that it got from various stimuli from the environment that stirred the person to either be someone or to achieve something in life. After all this happening everyday there is no way one will not be stoic and indifferent to various activities going around it. (Rosinski 2007) Ever person has a threshold, to go beyond the threshold of a human being is par a normal human’s limit. This threshold although does stop the person from being someone that the person is not, but ultimately becomes so. In this journey of being some one, one is not in the virtual world is cyber ego and creates a totally different person with a completely different personality and lastly with distorted morals and ethics. (Francis 1996) Up till now in the essay, the affect of cyber ego on people who adapt the virtual environment had been discussed, but now the observer’s part of the thesis will be discussed. When a person adopts and gets used to of being in the virtual environment, one has a very different personality inside the virtual world. This personality and morals that one supposedly has is entirely and completely different than that of the real world. While people are observing the same person through out, they get a very different person outside the virtual world. Although if the same talk is held in the cyber environment, the person is said to have morals, ethics and cultural values – almost all of which go against the ones that the person has in the real world – people would not really know the difference. The question that a lot of the people adapting such habits as to being a completely and totally different person over the internet is said to be something that one should not be proud of. Although research tells us that it is in their hands to choose to be who they want to be while in the cyber environment. On the contrary, they can not be blamed to have a different personality and morals. (Pritchard 2000) Every person wants to be on the top of the world; having the perfect car, the perfect life, the perfect family, the perfect job and who does not want to be a millionaire. If not this, a person might portray one self to be something that one has always wanted to be in the real world. The reason being it is that people can not be that person in reality; things are not as easy as they seem to be. Saying that one wants to be a surgeon, is not that easy, one has to have the spirit, the ambition, the money to get in to a medical college, and a lot of other things too that come with it. (Schultz 2005) One can portray to be who ever one wants, with all the goodies of the world – only in the virtual world. People start lying, adapt cyber ego, and become totally different individuals. There is no reason why this fake personality would not affect the real world personality. Not only do the observers and other users of the virtual environment notice some cues, well the other users are doing the same too, hence they tend to pick up cues that way too, but the others out side this made up world notice changes in the individual as well. One of the changes that are quite prominent is aggressiveness. (George 2003) The idea of having different personality and morals in the virtual environment is for them to get internal happiness that they might not be getting in the real world. The reason why the world that people live in is so called the real world and the world that people adapt to and live in is so called the virtual world, is because the so called real world is so different from the world that people want to live in. The virtual world is all made up and completely fake and people get the easy way out by pretending to have things they do not possess and being some one they are not. They wish to see themselves as being worthy of such happiness and success. And regardless of the fact that they succeed in real life in it or not, in the virtual world they are successful. This gives them internal happiness and strength, on one hand it pushes them to spend more time in the virtual environment and portray them to be successful and on the other hand, they become more stable, emotionally. (Rosinski 2007) An individual is completely different which some how makes one lose all its values that were taught to him or her during their life span and all the ethics and morals that they learned while they were in school and all that goes deep down the drain. How the virtual world affects our culture, values, morals, ethics and perception of which we are is important to understand. (Francis 1996) People in the virtual environment and outside it are great observers, they pick up cues better when they them selves are involved in the same activities, hence observing the same person through out the time that they have been in touch, and they get a very different person outside the virtual world. Although if the same talk is held in the cyber environment, the person is said to have morals, ethics and cultural values – almost all of which go against the ones that the person has in the real world – people would not really know the difference. The question that a lot of the people adapting such habits as to being a completely and totally different person over the internet is said to be something that one should not be proud of. Although research tells us that it is in their hands to choose to be who they want to be while in the cyber environment. On the contrary, they can not be blamed to have a different personality and morals. (Pritchard 2000) After being in a parallel universe that is all made up by people in the virtual environment, there is different stimuli that then change and guides behaviors of people adapting cyber ego in the virtual environment. It is a journey which a lot of people find interesting and the reasons of as to why they might find it interesting have been discussed above. (Brown 2006) On their journey to no where, when they are entering the virtual world, they take along the best ethics that their religion could teach them, wonderful morals that they learnt from their parents since they were kids and the cultural ethics that they grew in since they were kids; all that is with them when they are entering the virtual world, but it is ironic that when they come out of it for something they are completely different. (Schultz 2005) To conclude what has been discussed earlier, we know that the adoption of cyber ego over the internet and in the virtual environment has negative affects on personality, behavior, ethics, morals and cultural values. There are various reasons of as to why people would want to adapt this virtual environment and would want to be a part of it. The idea of having a different personality and unusual morals in the virtual environment is for them to get internal happiness that they might not be getting in the real world. Then the real world and the virtual worlds were defined. The reason why the world that people live in is so called the real world and the world that people adapt to and live in is so called the virtual world, is because the so called real world is so different from the world that people want to live in. (George 2003) The virtual world is all made up and completely fake and people get the easy way out by pretending to have things they do not possess and being some one they are not. They wish to see themselves as being worthy of such happiness and success. (Brown 2006) Regardless of the fact that they succeed in real life in it or not, in the virtual world they are successful. This gives them internal happiness and strength. One can portray to be who ever one wants, with all the goodies of the world – only in the virtual world. People start lying, adapt cyber ego, and become totally different individuals. There is no reason why this fake personality would not affect the real world personality. On one hand it pushes them to spend more time in the virtual environment and portray them to be successful and on the other hand, they become more stable, emotionally and mentally too. Although this adaptation of cyber ego has its negative impacts on behavior and how one portrays one self to be, but it also affects the cultural values that one beholds. The morals and ethics that are affected go with it too. (Johnson 2003) Reference List Brennan , L. L. & Johnson, V. 2003, Social, Ethical and Policy Implications of Information Technology; Information Science Publishing, [E-Book], available at: http://books. google. com/books? id=n3D4qihAsTcC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0 [Accessed 8 June 2008] Brown, J. 2006, Virtual reality and its role in removing the barriers that turn cognitive impairments into intellectual disability, Virtual Reality, [online], available at: http://www. proquest. com/ [accessed June 18, 2008] De George, R. T. 2003, the Ethics of Information Technology and Business (Foundations of Business Ethics), Wiley-Blackwell, [online], Available at: http://books. google. ae/books? id=pDs3b2R8qaEC&printsec=frontcover&hl=en&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0#PPA284,M1 [Accessed 8 June 2008] Francis, F. 1996, Trust still counts in a virtual world, Forbes, New York, [online], Available at: http://proquest.umi. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au:2048/pqdweb? did=10450037&sid=15&Fmt=3&clientId=20901&RQT=309&VName=PQD [accessed June 14, 2008] Hongladaram, S & Ess, C. 2006, Information Technology Ethics: Cultural Perspectives, IGI Global, [online], Available at: http://www. capurro. de/hongladarom. html [Accessed 10 June 2008] Pritchard, D. 2000, Holding the Media Accountable: Citizens, Ethics, and the Law, Indiana University Press, [online], Available at: http://books. google. com/books? id=sAJ3A7jVCVMC&rview=1 [Accessed 10 June 2008]

Monday, July 29, 2019

English - Gay Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

English - Gay Marriage - Essay Example (Douthat). Though gay marriages are not recognized at the Federal Government Level, some States have allowed same sex marriages. The recent debate also seems to coincide with the campaign for upcoming elections. Recent comments by President Obama that same sex marriages should be allowed and that the final say in the matter should rest with the individual states therefore outline a general mood which might prevail in the campaign for upcoming elections. The overall arguments are based upon whether to keep the marriage as an institution intact or tear it apart by allowing same sex marriages. There is strong debate upon creating a new constitutional right and overthrowing a currently held constitutional right of marriage with opposite sex. ( Associated Press) What implications the debate on the same sex marriages will have for the next elections and how the presidential candidates in the next election should address this issue is what this paper will discuss and explore. Gay Marriages Gay marriage is a multi-dimensional issue with religious, political, social as well as moral consequences. Since the beginning of human history, men have always married women and that is considered a religious duty because marriage has been considered as a mechanism to legally reproduce. Reproduction therefore was one of the key reasons as to why marriages took place and the overall system of family built. Family is considered as the basic unit of a society and therefore marriage with opposite sex is considered as the only way through which family can be raised. (Taylor) Gay marriages are largely opposed based upon the concerns for raising the family, the religious issues, parenting as well as traditions of the societies. (Olsen). These social elements therefore may be shattered if same sex marriages are allowed and the very fabric of the society itself can crumble if same sex marriages are common. Further, it is also argued that the rights of the children being raised by their biol ogical parents could be hampered if same sex marriages take place. As such it is considered that the overall benefit of same marriages goes to the couple involved in it and other elements of the society may not benefit from the same sex marriages. (Goodstein) However, it is also critical to note that those who advocate for same sex marriages indicate that denying an individual to marry with a same sex partner is actually a discrimination based upon the sexual orientation of the individual. Gay Marriages in US Same Sex Marriages are not federally allowed in US however, some individual States have allowed gay marriages. Massachusetts was the first State which allowed same sex marriages in 2004 and was followed by other States too to allow the same sex marriages. Some other States are also lined up for allowing the same sex marriages and hence the overall legal support for gay and same sex marriages is increasing at the State level. (Press) One of the biggest hurdles towards allowing g ay marriages, legally at the Federal level is the Defense of Marriage Act 1996. Under this act marriage was defined at the Federal level and thus a legal cover was provided to the institution of marriage and family. It is critical to note however, that before 1996 State laws defined marriage and Federal Government accepted that definition though such marriages were not accepted by some other States. The overall public support for gay marriages is on the rise since 1980s and public opinion is divided on this issue. The recent surveys

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Media audiences and Media geography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Media audiences and Media geography - Essay Example A potential representation of the traditional media is the folk media that projected the communication channels of the ancient societies. Modern media has a very different and advanced mechanism of mass communication. The mass media in the contemporary age is one of the most effective systems of life support that has pronounced effect on the global future and has the widest distribution all over the world. The contemporary age is essentially the age of information, in which the social and environmental issues continue to grow, that imparts the need of transition to a sustainable economy for every nation. â€Å"There has also been a healthful and general realization that the emphasis on â€Å"mass† audience – meaning an audience of individuals in lonely and direct contact with mass communication was never accurate† (Schramm, 1960, p. vii). The distinction between the audience of the past and the audience of the new age is imperative for the media to customize the content according to the every-changing and modifying needs of the audiences in an increasingly culturally diverse and globalized world. Media has a very strong influence on the society. Klapper (1960, p. 5) defined the consideration of the mass media as a compulsory and sufficient cause behind the effects observed in the audiences as short-sightedness, and recommended the consideration of media as just another influential element amidst other influences. â€Å"[I]t is the presumed power of the media to capture and sway the hearts, minds and behavior of the national public that account for both the fear and anxiety, and the hope and excitement, with which the media are regarded† (Fejes, 1984, p. 219). Media has always been both a trend-setter for and influenced by the audiences of a particular point in time. â€Å"The media are crucial in the social circulation of discourse and thus play a formative role in social and political change† (Fiske, 1996, p. 10). Media place s immense emphasis on the likes and dislikes of the audiences because the success of media fundamentally depends upon the approval of the audiences of the content that the media shows. The first and the foremost basic principle that every would-be programmer is taught through every handbook is â€Å"know the audience† (Ang, 1991, p. 19). â€Å"In order for television to achieve its work – that is, to make meaning and produce pleasure – it has to draw upon and operate on the basis of a kind of generalized societal common sense about the terms of the society and people’s social location in it† (Gray, 1995, p. 9). The research culture has evolved greatly over the passage of time. Although research has been a necessary part of the spread of knowledge in all times, yet the research was never as rampant as it is today. In the past, it was easy to advertise a product by just showing the models endorsing them as the audiences understood that the technology was not quite developed to expect every product to be made after a lot of research. Besides, the audiences themselves were too uneducated and far from being the part of a research culture to think on these lines. Over the decades, there has been immense advancement in technology which has played a fundamental role in the development of a research culture all over the world. Today, scientists are equipped enough to

The Black Model for Interest Rate Derivatives Essay

The Black Model for Interest Rate Derivatives - Essay Example Over the last two and half decades, finance has experienced tremendous and exciting developments especially with reference to derivatives markets. One of the reasons explaining the idea of tremendous and exciting developments within financial sector is the fact that both hedger and speculators within financial markets find it attractive to trade derivate specifically assets rather than trading on the assets themselves (Gupta and Subrahmanyam. 2005). Development of derivatives is considered as one of the most successful upcoming within capital markets (Brigo and Mercurio 2001). Within derivatives, there are three main traders; hedger, speculators, and arbitrageurs. Application of derivatives within financial markets helps in eliminating or reducing risk associated with the fluctuations in the prices of assets. Overview and Development of Black Model Financial markets have experienced an increase in the interest-rate contingent claims that include amongst others caps, swaptions, bond o ptions, mortgage-backed securities, as well as captions. The main problem however that is currently experienced is the development of effective and efficient instruments for valuing such contingent claims. Different models have been developed and used in an attempt to find the best and most effective one. Nonetheless, there has been indifference amongst traders on the model effective and efficient enough to help in measuring, controlling, and supervision of interest-rate risks. Hull (234) identifies Black-Scholes Model as a major innovation is pricing of various stock options. During the early 1970s, Fischer Black, Myron Scholes, and Robert Merton developed a model that can be used effectively and efficiently in pricing stock options (Hull p234). In addition, Clewlow and Strickland (2000) confirm that Black Model has been frequently used in valuing bond options due to its effectiveness and efficiency. Black Model borrows extensively from the Black-Scholes Model (Black, 1976). Actual ly the former is an extension and modification of the latter. Black Model for pricing stock options assumes that the value of an interest rate, bond price, or other variables at a given time is future follows a lognormal distribution. One of the reasons that necessitated the extension and modification of the Black-Scholes Model to Black Model is the difficulty experienced in valuing interest rate derivatives as opposed to valuing foreign exchange derivative (Hull p508). The difficulty is experienced due to a number of reasons such as complications within the behavior of individual interest rate as compared to stock prices of exchange rates (Hull p508). In addition, there has been the need to develop a model that will help in evaluating the behavior of the entire derivate including the zero-coupon yield rate. Consequently, Black Model was developed, which derives most of its assumptions from the Black-Scholes-Merton differential equation that represents the model. For instance, the m odel assumes that there are no transactional costs of taxes involved in applying the model to value stock options (Black, 1976). What’s more, the model assumes that there are no dividends obtained during the derivatives’ life coupled with facts that arbitrate opportunities are termed as riskless. In this model, another important assumption is that the rate of risk-free interest is constant and equals

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Brand Jordan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Brand Jordan - Essay Example Evidently, the five key attributes to Jordan could be listed as great athlete, ultra-competitive champion, well-known African-American, Handsome guy, and fascinating spokesman (‘Case Study’). The leading attribute will be the one that creates a perceptual label within a person’s mind and drags his attentions on encountering the particular personal brand. The leading attribute behind the Brand Jordan was ‘the greatest basketball player of all time’. 2. Team Jordan candidates and the brand attributes One of the candidates suggested for the Brand Jordan with so much popularity was the eminent soccer player David Beckham. He started his career from becoming a winning soccer player at the age of 14 and later was known for his youth empowerment and training programs. Brand Jordan considered Beckham to sustain the reputation of the brand as his career portrayed numerous achievements, like having a free-kick technique named after him, which could drag the att ention of customers. Besides he has been at his best with the Manchester United. Signing with Beckham would be a good start for entering the world of soccer. However, he was in his mid thirties and would be approaching the end of his career soon. Jamie Foxx was at his all time high popularity in 2006. He was an American Academy Award winning actor and a Grammy Award nominated singer and comedian. His noticeable personal attributes were attractive, athletic African-American, and good fit for the lifestyle products. However, Larry Miller, president of Brand Jordan had a second thought whether signing Foxx in a low-profile endorsement would be profitable or would detract from the brand. Another candidate for the team was a professional golfer from Hawaii, Michelle Wie, a 6-feet woman successfully driving back majority of professional women golfers. Wie had a seemingly limitless potential while commonly comparing with the Tiger Woods and Sorenstam. Wie has been eminent in her career and was an incredible athlete, but that was not all enough to decide that whether golf was the right starting point for the Brand Jordan to reach out to women. Chinese market was an important factor for the expansion of the Brand Jordan, and a best way to promote the brand over the China market was signing Liu Xiang, a 22 years old Chinese athlete who was best known for winning the 110 meters hurdles at his first IAAF Grand Prix in Lausanne. His popularity was further increased when he tied the world record of 12.91 seconds of Colin Jackson, a first time achievement of a non-African descent. Another advantage was that this endorsement would diminish the value of rival Reebok’s market. Though the Xiang has been considered the superstar in his home country in whose market the brand had a bright future, which was not all enough to get into a contract with the athlete. A big concern on selecting Xiang was about the Chinese government’s endorsement with him on a cigarette bran d. 3. Importance of celebrity endorsement Obviously, celebrity endorsements have been identified and accepted by the firms as it has direct results that influences the brand the company is trying to send through a person in a way that the customers experience a sense of similarity with the brand. Brand Jordan felt that the celebrity endorsement would be an important factor as the consumers tend more to conceive information from a celebrity whom they know than a person they do not. Besides, the celebrity has the ability to transfer their eminent and

Friday, July 26, 2019

JetBlue Airway Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

JetBlue Airway - Case Study Example The service provided can be obtained by reservation via the internet at, an airline representative or a toll free number. JetBlue has established itself as a strong brand in providing excellence in service for its customers. The company is based out of John F. Kennedy airport and employs about 8, 390 people. JetBlue provides its airfare services for 50 destinations in 21 states across the United States, Puerto Rico, Mexico and the Caribbean. Domestic operations account for approximately 97.1% of its capacity during the year ending December 31, 2006. The focus of JetBlue is in serving areas that have a high demand with high priced travel and are may not be serviced properly by the airline industry. JetBlue flies to these destinations 502 times a day and fosters an environment of excellence by ensuring that all employees have an opportunity at promotions and can go for higher education, are well trained and happy coming into work every day. This practice has been a cont ributor to Jet Blue's financial success during the hard economic strenuous times in the United States following the events of September 11, 2001. JetBlue Airways Corporation has maintained much success in a market economy that has been troubled. Through their strategic success in marketing on radio, television, internet and press releases JetBlue has become a household option for the market of flyers that want a low cost option with the highest excellence in service. Their frequent low airfare service has increased to new heights as new destinations are added based on consumer demands and more flights enable the customer to feel satisfied and happy with excellence provided by the company. JetBlue is a company that has excelled due to their ability to react quickly to the changes demanded by their consumer markets separating themselves from the losses in an airline industry sector that is in trouble and attempting a bounce back for several years. (Annual Report 2006) 3 Mission Statement JetBlue's mission statement is to provide all clients with a superior level of service in every aspect during the travel experience. JetBlue's mission is to bring the humanity back to air travel. 4 Vision Statement The air travel industry has gone through its ups and downs since the September 11 attacks in 2001 and several of these organizations have done very little to improve the customers experience. Unlike the rest JetBlue has been the first airline to establish a bill of rights for the customers. The strategy to have a bill of rights was developed by management

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Watercooler Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Watercooler - Research Paper Example Managements must therefore learn of the diversified characteristics of different pools of human resource and strategies to interacting with them. Managements also face the challenge of transferring human resource from one cultural set up and integrating it in another set up, and incorporating learnt knowledge from one culture into another, observations that complicates human resource management in the globalized corporate environment (Dewhurst, Harris and Heywood, 2012). Hofstede who reports on diversity of the globalized environment’s human resource similarly identifies this challenge. The author notes that while domestic environments such as within the United States exhibits homogeneity in human resource characteristics, the international set up such as the wider Europe has diversifies cultures that affect human resource behaviors. Human resource theories also apply selectively across different pools of human resource as applicable theories in the United States may not apply in other countries (Hofstede, 1993). The two articles therefore identify diversity in human resource as a challenge in the global set up. The two readings however demonstrate different approaches to managing diversity in the global environments and associated uncertainties to the diversities. Dewhurst et al. identifies a probabilistic approach to embracing involved risks. They identify a culture in which managers and leaders are not selected because of their understanding of the local environment. Their selection is instead based on the assumption that a manager can operate, universally, in the global set up (2012). This is contrary to Hofstede’s opinion that effective management is attained through incorporation of locals in managing a foreign culture (Hofstede,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Management Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Management Principles - Essay Example This leader is actively involved in coaching, training, directing and supervising the team members’ performance. The team leader appreciates and recognizes good performance on a regular basis. Moreover, he provides feedback to the people that do not perform well or achieve the required targets. This team leader reports to a manager. The manager provides targets and directs what tasks to be performed. Very often, the manager takes all decisions related to work and staff members. The monthly and yearly targets and goals are decided by the manager. Although the manager monitors the work, he is not proactive in appreciating or rewarding good performance. The manager holds all authority in distribution and control of stationery and other facilities related stuff. Keen observation reveals that the team leader follows situational leadership style, as proposed by Hersey and Blanchard (Schermerhorn, 2009). The team leader keeps changing his style according to the situation. For example , he trains and coaches team members on the job and continuously monitors and encourages so that they achieve the required targets. He appreciates those that achieve or exceed their performance targets. He also delegates extra responsibilities to the good performers so that they are motivated. He involves all team members in important discussions related to work and/or tasks assigned by the manager.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Project financing and risk management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Project financing and risk management - Essay Example The risk teams work extremely hard to help to maintain the reputation as well as financial performance of the NCB Jamaica Ltd ? and also ensure that the bank functions responsibly and assists the business to grow in a meaningful and sustainable way. As corporate responsibility has turned out to be the ‘buzzword’ in the banking business, banks are being forced to enthusiastically engage in providing to sustainable development? given their intermediate position in the financial system. The primary objective of this study is to recognize various risks? particularly the strategic risks faced by the banking industry and how to mitigate them. Strategic risk take place from the inability of an institution to execute suitable business plans and strategies, resource allocation after making apt decisions and its incapability to adjust to the changes occurring in its business environment. It is very important for banks to be serious in improving, measuring and reporting their risks as well as goals and objectives of their organization? as they will ultimately be bound to fight on benchmarking with competitors. 2. Introduction and Background. Jamaica is the third major island in Caribbean. National Commercial Bank Jamaica Ltd. (NCB Jamaica) is Jamaica's major provider of the financial services with 37.5% marketplace share by assets of the profitable banking sector. NCB offers a wealth of financial services in the course of its network of 42 locations and more than 170 ABMs island wide. These services consist of savings accounts and chequing, facilities of the credit card, commercial and personal loans, insurance, and wealth management. National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited, jointly with its subsidiaries, offers different financial banking and products and services primarily in Jamaica. â€Å"National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited reported consolidated earnings results for the fourth quarter and year ended September 30, 2012. For the quarter, the company reported net profit of JMD 2,685,498,000 or JMD 1.10 per basic and diluted share compared to net profit of JMD 4,616,324,000 or JMD 1.87 per basic and diluted share a year ago†. The First Caribbean International Bank is a major Caribbean banking unit with assets in excess of US $9.5 billion and it is the second major institution among public traded financial organizations in the area with a market capitalization of above US $2 billion. The fundamental strategic principle of NCB Jamaica philosophy includes taking into account the interest of the stakeholders, customers, employees and their satisfaction. Strategic risk is a function of: †¢ A bank’s strategic aims †¢ Strategies of business developed in order to accomplish the goals †¢ Resources set up in search of these aims and the superiority of implementation †¢ Resources required accomplishing both tangible and intangible business strategies It consists of channels for communication, delivery networks, managerial capacities and capabilities and operating systems. The internal characteristics of an organization must be assessed against the impact of competitive, technological, economic, and regulatory and the other environmental changes. Strategic risk may occur due to several factors. â€Å"The primary risk to inflation in the 2011/12 financial year is the exchange rate and the pass through effect on prices if there is accelerated depreciation.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The story of an hour from mrs Mallards perspective Essay Example for Free

The story of an hour from mrs Mallards perspective Essay It was my sister who broke the news to me. As soon as I gathered from her disjointed announcement that my husband had been killed in a horrific rail accident, I felt myself collapsing into an infinite depression of emptiness, silence and sorrow. My heart and soul were thrust downwards as if a cumbersome mass was depressing my frame, as the eruption of grief forced me to express a plethora of tears into the sympathetic arms of my dear Josephine. Despite the initial and genuine reaction to my sudden loss, I almost felt it my duty to weep for my deceased husband. Of course I loved him, as a companion; he was a means of fortification against the world and a way out of eternal spinsterhood and loneliness, and his mind and soul had now departed forever. Five minutes or so had passed, and I carried myself to my room with little motivation, where I sat in silence, reflecting on the news whilst giving my anaesthetised body an opportunity to recover from the horrific shock which was delivered earlier on. After a period of reflection, I realised that a new beginning seemed to be commencing for me. As I glanced out of the window, I caught a glimpse of the delightful pastel-coloured blossom beginning to appear in the trees. The wildlife animated the street below and a lively new air swept across the room, carried by the sweet spring breeze. I was perplexed, since this charming feeling had approached and briefly refreshed my mood; yet my energy had completely evaporated and my torn, slashed spirit progressed further and further away as if it had no intention of returning to me. The emptiness remained in the atmosphere like an unwelcome storm cloud spoiling an otherwise perfect blue sky. I pressed my head to the material behind me and pondered further. I was aware that I would soon need to confront my fears of seeing my husband before a burial, and the terrible emotions which viciously attacked me would return stronger. However, I also thought of the freedom; I have always wanted to escape. The claustrophobia had almost been too much to battle on occasions. Of course, I would not ever have had the means to escape and it is never considered proper for a lady to leave a respectable, healthy husband. Besides, he would not have let me go, I am quite certain. I was going to be ensnared forever. But after this, I could live without requesting permission. My mind became entranced and the idea of finally being free from eternal slavery dominated my thoughts. Josephine soon arrived at my door, calling for me to open it. Of course, I could not let her in, as I needed to clear the misty fog surrounding my head and collect together my thoughts, which were strewn everywhere. She insisted that I would become ill. However, I assured her that I would not, and immediately I descended back into deep contemplation. My entire surroundings rotated and merged together in my mind, as I managed to absorb a new soul and a positive belief of a more blissful future of freedom. I left the room after my courage was gained enough to for my legs to stand my weight and clasped to Josephine’s wrist. She led me down the staircase to where Richard was stood, and there appeared to be someone entering the house. My curiosity compelled me to glance over at the gentleman, but as I did, I recognised his face. I then realised that this gentleman was my husband. Everlasting amounts of air flooded into my lungs, as my expanding heart was speared by the savage storm of shock and dismay.

Problem solving Essay Example for Free

Problem solving Essay Issue 7 All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the worlds most persistent social problems. I agree that it would serve the interests of all nations to establish a global university for the purpose of solving the worlds most persistent social problems. Nevertheless, such a university poses certain risks which all participating nations must be careful to minimizeor risk defeating the universitys purpose. One compelling argument in favor of a global university has to do with the fact that its faculty and students would bring diverse cultural and educational perspectives to the problems they seek to solve. It seems to me that nations can only benefit from a global university where students learn ways in which other nations address certain soda] problems-successfully or not. It might be tempting to think that an overly diversified academic community would impede communication among students and faculty. However, in my view any such concerns are unwarranted, especially considering the growing awareness of other peoples and cultures which the mass media, and especially the Internet, have created. Moreover, many basic principles used to solve enduring social problems know no national boundaries; thus a useful insight or discovery can come from a researcher or student from any nation. Another compelling argument for a global university involves the increasingly global nature of certain problems. Consider, for instance, the depletion of atmospheric ozone, which has wanned the Earth to the point that it threatens the very survival of the human species. Also, we are now learning that dear-cutting the worlds rainforests can set into motion a chain of animal extinction that threatens the delicate balance upon which all animalsincluding humansdepend. Also consider that a financial crisisor a political crisis or natural disaster in one country can spell trouble for foreign companies, many of which are now multinational in that they rely on the labor forces, equipment, and raw materials of other nations. Environmental, economic, and political problems such as these all carry grave social consequencesincreased crime, unemployment, insurrection, hunger, and so forth. Solving these problems requires global cooperationwhich a global university can facilitate. Notwithstanding the foregoing reasons why a global university would help solve many of our most pressing social problems, the establishment of such a university poses certain problems of its own which must be addressed in order that the university can achieve its objectives. First, participant nations would need to overcome a myriad of administrative and political impediments. All nations would need to agree on which problems demand the universitys attention and resources, which areas of academic research are worthwhile, as well as agreeing on policies and procedures for making, enforcing, and amending these decisions. Query whether a functional global university is politically feasible, given that sovereign nations naturally wish to advance their own agendas. A second problem inherent in establishing a global university involves the risk that certain intellectual and research avenues would become officially sanctioned while others of equal or greater potential value would be discouraged, or perhaps even proscribed. A telling example of the inherent danger of setting and enforcing official research priorities involves the Soviet governments attempts during the 1920s to not only control the direction and the goals of its scientists research but also to distort the outcome of that researchostensibly for the greatest good of the greatest number of people. Not surprisingly, during this time period no significant scientific advances occurred under the auspices of the Soviet government. The Soviet lesson provides an important caveat to administrators of a global university: Significant progress in solving pressing social problems requires an open mind to all sound ideas, approaches, and theoriesrespective of the ideologies of their proponents. A final problem with a global university is that the worlds preeminent intellectual talent might be drawn to the sorts of problems to which the university is charged with solving, while parochial social problem go unsolved. While this is not reason enough not to establish a global university, it nevertheless is a concern that university administrators and participant nations must be aware of in allocating resources and intellectual talent. To sum up, given the increasingly global nature or the worlds social problems, and the escalating costs of addressing these problems, a global university makes good sense. And, since all nations would have a common interest in seeing this endeavor succeed, my intuition is that participating nations would be able to overcome whatever procedural and political obstacles that might stand in the way of success. As long as each nation is careful not to neglect its own unique social problems, and as long as the universitys administrators are careful to remain open-minded about the legitimacy and potential value of various avenues of intellectual inquiry and research, a global university might go a long way toward solving many of the worlds pressing social problems.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How Ethics affect a Nurses role in Euthanasia

How Ethics affect a Nurses role in Euthanasia Euthanasia is an emerging argument seen all over the world. In this argument includes the role of the nurse and the four ethics the nurse is to abide by, justice, beneficence, autonomy and non-maleficence. This paper will explore how these four ethics can play a part in how the nurse may feel about the idea of euthanasia, and how these four ethics can play a part in the deciding factor of whether euthanasia of humans is something that should be carried out or not, regardless of persons physical health. It will examine which ethical principles is the argument for or against euthanasia, is the involvement of the nurse ethically justified, and if so, can it be considered good nursing care? The practice of nursing has long had a high regard for, and treasuring, of life. If it is the job of the nurses to save and protect lives, then how can the consideration of euthanasia fit into nursing practice? Many consider helping a person to find peace and to gain some control over their death as a means of treasuring life. It provides the person with the chance to die in a dignified manner, and to not suffer. The nurse infarcts four moral codes into everyday practice; respect for autonomy, non maleficence, beneficence and justice. These moral codes are brought into light exponentially when the request for euthanasia has been made by a patient and the nurse must find a way to not only adhere to the ethics of practice, and advocate for the patient, but to be in tune with their own ethical thoughts and feelings. In regards to respect for autonomy, euthanasia can be argued as a good practice. It can be justified from the basis of respect for the individuals autonomy (Quaghebeur, Dierckx de Casterle Gastmans, 2009). Providing care for the patient and respecting their autonomy means respecting the request of euthanasia from the patient, though it may not correlate with the nurses personal feelings of euthanasia, or their ability(physical or mental) to carry out the requested task (Quaghebeur, et al 2009) Professional integrity of nurses can be used to support euthanasia from the standpoint of autonomy as well. It is this integrity that is responsible for fellow humans, therefore having respect for their autonomy. In congruence with this responsibility for fellow humans, euthanasia is now compatible with the integrity of nursing. The nurse with this professional integrity respects the patient autonomy, therefore providing compassionate care and promoting optimal well being of the patient. As as result of this care, euthanasia is now in accordance to the idea of the nursing profession, as human dignity is protected, patient interest is promoted, and the patient is being cared for(White, 1999) In accordance to the moral point of justice, in order to protect the patients interests, euthanasia can be seen as good care for the patient, ethically justified as a form of a good death. It could be argued that it would be not only unjust, but cruel to refuse the request of euthanasia (Quaghebeur, et al 2009). The ethical principle of non -maleficence means to do no harm (Potter and Perry, 2010). However, nurses harm their patients everyday simply by administering treatments such as chemotherapy for a patient with cancer. These treatments are seen as acceptable however, because the benefit is greater than the initial harm(McCabe, 2007). The Hippocratic oath, an oath that is traditionally upheld by all nurses and medical professionals, has proscribed the event of abortion and surgery. Despite the true definition of this oath to do no harm, these practices are allowed because they serve the ability to promote patient well being. Along the same instance of promoting patient well being, a patient may need the nurse to assist them to die when prolonging life is indeed harming the patient. In this situation, death would be a benefit (White, 1999) This brings around the idea of beneficence, the nurse is the patient advocate who must do good, promulgate the best interest of others (Quaghebeur et al 2009). The nurse is very often the first to receive the request of euthanasia from the patient due to the closeness and depth of involvement the nurse has in a persons life. In a study of American nurses, the reasons claimed for having even participated in euthanasia was a feeling of responsibility for their patients welfare, and a way to help relieve the patient of their pain and suffering (De Bal, Gastmas, Dierckx de Casterle, 2008). Indeed, ending pain and suffering can be seen as doing no harm, but bringing about peace and comfort. For instance, the right thing for a nurse to do when confronted by the pain of a patient is to alleviate that pain, because healing is what the activity of nursing is directed at, easing the suffering and restore the sense of well-being to a patient. This is to act morally well, because this act assuag ed the pain of the patient. (McCabe, 2007) Nurses are committed to not only preventing and minimizing the effects of disease and promoting health, but to relieve pain and suffering that can be brought about by these maladies (White, 1999) Several criticisms can be seen going against the idea of euthanasia being a morally good practice because it is based upon respect for the patients autonomy (Quahgebeur et al 2009). It is argued that the nurse who is obliging to advocate for the patient wishing for euthanasia, while respecting the patients autonomy, is not respecting their own autonomy. Respecting a patients autonomy in regards to life, or the lack thereof, is undermining the importance of social community, as dying as a social practice, much as life is a social practice (Quaghebeur et al, 2009) Euthanasia is argued to in fact not administer justice to the autonomy of a patient (Quaghbeur et al 2009). If a patient does indeed receive euthanasia, though it may be respecting their autonomy by carrying out the request, once the patient has passed on, they are no longer able to enjoy that autonomy (Quaghebeur et al 2009). In the literature of nursing ethics, the principle of non-maleficence outright rejects euthanasia, due to the irreversible damage made to the patients life, it is seen as too drastic of an intervention to be even used (Quaghebeur et al 2009). According to the principle of non-maleficence,euthanasia is not considered good ethical nursing practice owing to the sanctity of human life Human life is deserving of respect, despite a growing population and people now living longer than before due to the advances of technology. Each human life is of both equal dignity and sacrosanct(Quaghebeur et al 2009). The American Nurses Association holds the position on this issue that assisting an individual to die is not compatible with the nurses role in society. Non-maleficence means to do no harm and this is the pledge nurses make to society. By assisting the patient in suicide, the trust between the nurse and the patient is destroyed. (ANA 2001) Doing good for the patient doesnt always mean ending their life when they have stated they want to die, as there is a difference between stating the desire to die as opposed to actually having the desire to be killed (Quaghebeur et al 2009). If the nurse wants to do good by the way of the patient, then quality and dignity of life must be examined. A patients interests are never served by fulfilling the request of death, even if the patient believes otherwise. Is it possible to actually judge how worthwhile someones life actually is, that there is a life that is not worth being lived? (Quaghebeur et al 2009). Ethics of desire may outshine the ethics of reason, and with that, a threat of moral relativism disseminating a patients interest determines good ethical nursing practice (McCabe 2007). In a case where preservation of life can no longer be attained, then the nurse will continue to heal through practice of ensuring physical and emotional comfort, support of the patient and their loved ones, assisting the patient to a place of security, comfort and peace (McCabe, 2007). Society places a great deal of trust upon the nursing profession and by engaging in measures to end a patients life, this professional integrity contravenes and undermines this trust that has been placed upon them. (McCabe, 2007) A nurse as an individual will need to clarify their own values, as the implications of euthanasia are enormous. As a nurse, a definitive decision on their position in regards to this issue must be made. All aspects of the issue must be looked at, fully understood, and only then a decision on position should be made. A nurse needs to respect not only a patients autonomy, but their own as well, and need to remain true to their own values as well. Many different controversial issues will be confronted during the career of a nurse, including assisted suicide. The nurse needs to be not only educated on the implications of such actions, but educated in their own opinions, with the ability to think critically about these controversial issues. A nurse will need to be involved in their politics to maintain their emotional integrity when confronted with a situation that may or may not be ethical to them. Within time, there is a greater chance of more and more states passing laws allowing human euthanasia to occur, as well as against, and the the ability to apply the oath to do no harm will be examined again and again. This writer believes that the act of euthanasia in nursing is a subject that needs to be considered very deeply. If the values of nursing ethics include autonomy, beneficence, justice, and non-maleficence, then the concept of euthanasia, in a positive way, reflects all four ethics. A patient who is hurting, and a nurse who continues to prolong a life that is physically demoralizing and painful (indeed causing the patient harm, when a nurse is to do no harm), has a duty to that patient to ease the pain and suffering to the furthest extent possible to the request of the patient. Though it may seem irrelevant to the care of the patient, this writer has always had a firm belief of euthanasia. If a person puts their pet to sleep because the pet is no longer able to live a good quality of life, the owner does right by the pet by euthanizing it, though the pet cannot say in so many words that it is suffering and wants this to be over. A human being has the ability to express what his or her feelings on continuing their life, regardless of the quality, is. To deny a person who is fully capable of making their own decisions, the ability to end a life that will be soon be over and is wrought with pain and suffering, is wrong. To not allow the patient peace and comfort, and relief from pain that a nurse is supposed to give, impedes on the top ethic of medical practice, do no harm. Indeed by not complying with the patients wish of the pain to end, the nurse is doing harm, mentally and physically, and not just with the patient, but with the patients family as well. Though this writer will have to continue to educate herself on the practices that may or may not involve human euthanasia, it is the belief that this is a subject that will be brought up again and again, especially in the critical care settings, where pain, death and dying is at its greatest. Conclusion While there many arguments for and against assisted suicide, the answer to the question of whether it is right or wrong remains ambiguous. One reason for the lack of clear cut answers is that assisted suicide is an ethical issue which is dependent on a persons values, morals, religion, and experiences. In general, the topic of end-of-life decision making is very sensitive and evokes strong emotions and opinions. Instead of debating the issues involved with assisted suicide, this paper merely describes pertinent arguments that have been presented by both sides. There are many nursing implications that are associated with assisted suicide. Among these is the importance for nurses to be aware of their own beliefs about end-of-life care. Self-awareness will prepare nurses for obstacles they will face when dealing with death. Another implication is that nurses need to be cognizant of politics and legal authority. Becoming active in political processes, nurses can work to ensure that they will not be forced into doing procedures that come in direct conflict with their beliefs. In final conclusion, the code of ethics a nurse is to oblige by can come across as a very gray area. There does not seem to be any cut and dry reasoning behind whether the practice of euthanasia is good or bad, or something that a nurse should or should not participate it. The ethics can be construed to fit any need necessary, whether it is in favor of the act of euthanasia, which can be argued that by ending a life one is removing the pain. Or it can be argued that by administration of such lethal drugs to carry out the act, one is indeed harming by bringing about death.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

the silk road Essay -- essays research papers

The Silk Road is the most well-known trading route of ancient Chinese civilization. Trade in silk grew under the Han Dynasty ( 202 BC - AD 220) in the first and second centuries AD   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Origanally, the Chinese trade silk internally, within the empire. Caravans from the empire's interior would carry silk to the western edges of the region. Often small Central Asian tribes would attack these caravans hoping to capture the traders' valuable commodities. As a result, the Han Dynasty extended its military defenses further into Central Asia from 135 to 90 BC in order to protect these caravans.Chan Ch'ien, the first known Chinese traveler to make contact with the Central Asian tribes, later came up with the idea to expand the silk trade to include these lesser tribes and therefore forge alliances with these Central Asian nomads. Because of this idea, the Silk Road was born.The route grew with the rise of the Roman Empire because the Chinese initially gave silk to the Roman-Asian governments as gifts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The 7000 mile route spanned China, Central Asia, Northern India, and the Parthian and Roman Empires. It connected the Yellow River Valley to the Mediterranean Sea and passed through places such as Chinese cities Kansu and Sinkiang and present-day countries Iran, Iraq and Syria.Northwestern Indians who lived near the Ganges River played prominent roles as middlemen in the China-Mediterranean silk trade because as early as the third...

The Impact Of The American Revolution On The Womens Rights Movement Es

The lack of participation of women in society in the United States before the women's rights movement in 1948 was remarkable. They did not participate in activities such as voting and fighting in wars. They also could not own property and "belonged" to their father until they were married, when they would then become the property of their husband. They were brought up to get married, often while they were still very young, then to become a good mother and housewife. The lack of activity though changed during the American Revolution that lasted from 1775 to 1783. This American Revolutionary experience had a great impact on the eventual movement for women's rights. Previous to their rights movement, women, by law, were declared inferior to men, had no separate existence from their husbands and every one of their possessions, acquired or inherited, would be passed on to the ownership of her husband. The children in a marriage belonged to the father alone and the custody of the children if one was to get divorced, was usually given to him. If a woman's husband died, she would receive only the use of one third of his real estate. They could be beaten as long as the stick was no bigger than a man's thumb and single women were excluded from earning a living, with the exception in a few poorly paid trades. They wanted to feel useful to society so during the American Revolution, women, who did not usually participate in the war, actively participated on the home front. They knitted stockings and sewed uniforms for the soldiers. They also had to replace men out in the factories as weavers, carpenters, blacksmiths, and shipbuilders. Other women also vol unteered out on front to take care of the wounded, become laundresses, cooks and companio... ...also were not represented, and made women understand that this inferiority dilemma that was going on every day had to stop, and that they had to revolt and fight for their own rights. Her influence combined with other women fighting and the spirit of rebellion already set in men spiked women's interests in their rights and made them want to struggle for their privileges. Before the American Revolution, women did not realize just how unfairly men were treating them until they experienced working, managing a household, and life without their husbands. It made them aware of their place in society and many wondered just why they were inferior to men at that time. That American Revolution was what led up to the women's rights movement of 1848 and without it, who knows when women would have ever revolted against this unjust behavior and obtained the right to vote in 1920. The Impact Of The American Revolution On The Women's Rights Movement Es The lack of participation of women in society in the United States before the women's rights movement in 1948 was remarkable. They did not participate in activities such as voting and fighting in wars. They also could not own property and "belonged" to their father until they were married, when they would then become the property of their husband. They were brought up to get married, often while they were still very young, then to become a good mother and housewife. The lack of activity though changed during the American Revolution that lasted from 1775 to 1783. This American Revolutionary experience had a great impact on the eventual movement for women's rights. Previous to their rights movement, women, by law, were declared inferior to men, had no separate existence from their husbands and every one of their possessions, acquired or inherited, would be passed on to the ownership of her husband. The children in a marriage belonged to the father alone and the custody of the children if one was to get divorced, was usually given to him. If a woman's husband died, she would receive only the use of one third of his real estate. They could be beaten as long as the stick was no bigger than a man's thumb and single women were excluded from earning a living, with the exception in a few poorly paid trades. They wanted to feel useful to society so during the American Revolution, women, who did not usually participate in the war, actively participated on the home front. They knitted stockings and sewed uniforms for the soldiers. They also had to replace men out in the factories as weavers, carpenters, blacksmiths, and shipbuilders. Other women also vol unteered out on front to take care of the wounded, become laundresses, cooks and companio... ...also were not represented, and made women understand that this inferiority dilemma that was going on every day had to stop, and that they had to revolt and fight for their own rights. Her influence combined with other women fighting and the spirit of rebellion already set in men spiked women's interests in their rights and made them want to struggle for their privileges. Before the American Revolution, women did not realize just how unfairly men were treating them until they experienced working, managing a household, and life without their husbands. It made them aware of their place in society and many wondered just why they were inferior to men at that time. That American Revolution was what led up to the women's rights movement of 1848 and without it, who knows when women would have ever revolted against this unjust behavior and obtained the right to vote in 1920.

Friday, July 19, 2019

My Family: A Subculture :: Sociology Sociological Papers

My Family: A Subculture Everyone in the world belongs to a subculture. Each subculture has its own sets of traditions, relics, and artifacts. Relics and artifacts are symbolic, material possessions important to one's subculture. Relics are from the past; artifacts are from the present. These traditions, relics, and artifacts help shape the personalities of individuals and how they relate with others. Individuals know about these items through storytelling in the subculture. Families are good examples of subcultures. My family, a middle-class suburban Detroit family of Eastern European heritage, has helped shape who I am through story telling about traditions, artifacts, and relics. Throughout my life, I've heard many different stories about my family. Because of these stories, I know about my background, and they have helped form my identity. Randall Bass, professor of English at Georgetown University, agrees that stories help shape people's identities. Bass states that, "Individuals derive their sense of identity from their culture, and cultures are systems of belief that determine how people live their lives" (Bass 1). Cultural stories about family history, religion, nationality, and heritage help influence people's behavior and beliefs. Identities of different people come from their cultures. Story telling begins at home. Stories help connect people to their systems of beliefs. They sculpt people's lives by giving them a model of how to live. People receive their earliest knowledge from different stories.(Bass) One great story my family has told me is my family's history. My maternal grandmother's parents came to the United States from Ukraine by boat around 1906 or 1907. They initially settled in Export, PA, because they had relatives and friends living there. My grandmother was born in 1921 and was the seventh of eight children. A year after she was born, they moved to Warren, OH, where they stayed until my grandmother graduated from high school. The family's religion was Ukrainian Orthodox. My grandmother grew up speaking Ukrainian and English. Ukrainian was spoken in the home, and English was spoken at school. My grandmother started kindergarten at the age five knowing no English. She picked up the English language from her classmates. My grandmother's family did not own a car. Every Easter, they walked about seven miles to go to church. My grandmother grew up during the depression. She was the only girl in her family to own a doll from a store. All of her sister's dolls were homemade.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


Rahab – women of the bible (a woman who Believed the truth) Rahab –â€Å" insolence†, or â€Å"fierceness†, or â€Å"broad†, or â€Å"spacious† The â€Å"Ra† part of her name comes from Egyptian idolatry, â€Å"Ra† the sun god, this is from â€Å"All the women of Bible † by Herbert Lockyer, Zondervan Publishers Rahab and the two spies are the main charactersin Joshua2. Rahab was a prostitute (her occupation). She lived, geographically and morally, on the edge of society. She lived at the time of the conquest of Canaan (the land northeast of Egypt, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea on the west, Lebanon to the north was the Hittite Empire and Bashan, to the east were the nations of Ammon and the Ammorites, Moab, and Edom) by the Israelites Her house was located on the wall of the city and was strategically placed to lodge travelers. This was a prime location for her trade. Rahab had heard of the God of Israel and aced in faith. By hiding the spies she faced the risk of being killed if caught by the authorities. However rahab knew it would take a step of faith to get her out of her present predicament. She did not intend to perish with the rest of jericho. She knew that if she did nothing- this would lead to her destruction. No one an serve two masters. She made a conscious decision to act in faith on what she heard about God. Rahab was an ancestor of Jesus(Matthew1:1-6). Her faith brought her into an immense inheritance. From a prostitute to the linage of Jesus Christ. This is what faith can do. No matter your stand in life, rrespective of where you are or who you are a simply step of faith in Jesus Christ can turn your destiny around. â€Å"By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient, because she had received the spies in peace† – Hebrews 11:31 The life of Rahab can be found in Joshua 2, Joshua 6, Hebrews 11:31 Matthew 1:5 James 2:25

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Police Control of Juveniles Essay

The paper that was written by Donald J. depressed and Albert J. Reiss Jr. started by the definition of the balance as a behavior in a group wherein there is a chance that there is a clear when deviant behaviors ar detected. This control improvement as be by the seeds is a knead carried on with the analysis, detection and the answer of giving the adequate sanctions in the process of policing the juveniles. Donald J. Black, as one of the authors of the bring, was a prof of the neighborly sciences at the University of Virginia. He terminate his doctorate at the University of Michigan during the cardinal sixties. He pursued his post doctorial studies at Yale faithfulness School as a Russell Sage Fellow in Law and law and social sciences. later on that, he move to the Harvard University during cardinal s make upty nine. Where he held appointments in law initiate and the sociology surgical incision where he withal employ to be in the Yale School. after that, he taug ht as Law School instructor when he moved to the University of Virginia in the 19 eighties. imputable(p) to his professorship, he is able to teach in any of the unlike schools and departments of the university. Due to his coarse experience in teach and studies, he has numerous populaceations in the sociology of morality, law and conflict. Due to the expanding whole kit o f Black, it entangles moulds such as theory of the differential gear success of ideas, a theory of scientific theory, theory of scienticity, and theories of the behaviors of natural beings. The 1994 theory trophy plus the howling(a) Book pose of the Ameri tidy sum Sociological Association due to his almost recent melt down the friendly Structure of Right and Wrong.His former(a) work as well as include (1) Behavior of Law which was translated to different languages (2) The Manners and Customs of the law of nature and Sociological Justice, and (3) an article which has won him the Distinguished Schola rship Award equable from the American Sociological Association entit lead The Epistemology of dainty Sociology a recent article that was produce in Law and Social Inquiry. He was similarly an editor of the Oxford University Press for the books c all tolded Studies on Law and Social soften. Moreover, his popularity make him invitees as speakers and lecturers to a crook of countries in the world Denmark, Finland, Sweden, France, Scotland, Poland, England and Japan. Furthermore, he is father and turn over of a sociological screen which includes no psychology or veritable(a) populate as such. This sociological mannikin is know as pure sociology. This sociological class is believed to publish a book regarding the realm with the title the Death of the Person. Also, other workings such as a book-length project ab come forth a normal theory to the highest degree the prediction and explanation of the organism and of struggle in valet de chambre relationships. Another auth or, Albert J. Reiss is considered one of the immenseest influences of the Penn Criminology. Reiss works distinct and uniform tenseness on the organized field seek and evidence-based policy is considered the trademark of Penn Criminology. Albert Reiss has been the query managing director for President Lyndon basinsons Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice during the nineteen sixties. Using laboratory like procedures and clearcutness and direct observations, he has able to set off a fresh way of perusing violence. Due to his works, he has arrange issue that the endangerment of having violence directly depends on the emblem of law of nature get word. The two types of practice of law get word is proactive and reactive. The first relies on the idea that the levelheaded philosophy has been invited by a person who is present in the ara to intervene in the note speckle the assist one refers to the idea that the jurisprudence has intervened in a situation even without the invitation of the pack whoa be present in the scene.This means that the constabulary has intervened in the situation at their own expense. From the results of the explorees conducted by Reiss, he theorized that constabulary encounters on situations with the consent of the people around brings active little vindication compargond to the situations wherein the law has intervened on their own which brings or so more resistance from the civilians that brings more violence. Reiss studies has make headlines that almost seventy five part of all the white legal philosophy exhibits racial variation against black civilians.However, the results of Reiss studies brings about the position that there in no prodigious difference in the brutality of the police against black and white. He alike found out that both races has been il healthyly assaulted and viciously treated in front of the public either during their stoppage or not. deflection from Reiss pr oject on police control, he in any case introduced the method of using surveys and studies of inform crimes. This method has detected high rank of undetected delinquent works among nerve and upper class juveniles. Reiss was born in Cascade, Wisconsin on December 9, 1922. He examine at MarquetteUniversity, however, he disturbed his studies by joining the US Army oxygenate Corps in World struggle II by serving as a meteorologist. He finished his doctoral studies in sociology at the University of Chicago. While teaching at the university, he in any case led some studies regarding probation, juvenile and propinquity delinquency. When he finished his doctoral studies during 1949, he was promoted to associate professor. After that, he shifted to Vanderbilt University as he was delegated the chairman of the Sociology incision of the university in the 1952. After serving as the Chairman of the sociology department in the Vanderbilt University, in 1959, he moved to University of I owa, then University of Wisconsin and then, finally serving as the chairman of sociology at the University of Michigan in 1961.He began doing his field query about police in the University of Michigan. And then, from 1970, until the year he retired in 1993, he began teaching at the Yale University. During his stay in Yale, he publish The Police and the Public, his most prestigious writing about social organizations regarding police confrontation with citizens. He spent his cartridge holder serving as a ripened adviser to ranges of surveys, experiments and enquiryes in Europe, United States and Asia. Basically, the research that was conducted by Black and Reiss is about determination results on the official detection and assist of juvenile aberrant. In the investigation, the study is focus on on the specific conditions that would in moment cause the chance of having sanction by arrest with relation to the involvement of the police force in definite situations. In general, th e study is about processing a control method for juvenile deviance.In relation, the study is as well as inclined to the interaction that is happening between the juveniles and the representatives of the police organisation. agree to the research conducted (1) most of the representatives of the level-headed outlines engagement with juveniles would come up due to the direct response of the citizens who spud the drive in mobilizing the police during situations (2) a high fraction of juvenile and police encounters occurs due to reasons that ar of minor deduction (3) t he chance of having plastered sanctions due to arrest was found out to be very low for the juveniles who obtain had encounters with the police (4) the chances of having arrest increases with the alleged distressfulness of juvenile offenses as defined by the criminal law for adults(5) the way the representatives of the level-headed force sanctions the juveniles is directly dependent on the preferences of the co mplaints of the citizens during encounters (6) there is highly significant difference between the number of blacks that are detained than the number of whites detained, however, there is low or even no evidence of racial variety (7) situational evidence is very important in correlating the act of juveniles in order for an arrest to take place and, (8) the chances of having arrest is most likely in respectful juveniles than those who are disrespectful. The research continues from the deviance definition and is defined as applicable to any class of behavior wherein there is a smashing casualty of a sanction that is damaging and is regardless of its detection. From the eight ideas that were gained from the research, it was known that there are different factors that relates the detection of the electronegative sanctions particularly the sanctioning of juveniles. on that pointfore, the research was make in order for the instances and factors that requires control for the existence of the situation. Moreover, the aim of the research was definitely to discover and investigate the organization of deviance and control. The study of Reiss and Black about the juvenile control has examined the officers and the representatives of legal establishments encounter with the juveniles. They return employed a across-the-board range of methods involving orderly approaches and dodgeatic social observations. The research in any case took into account the actions that are through with(p) by the police and the juveniles in each of the different situations that they have encountered. They have also include the actions and reactions do by the police in their multiple attempts to lick situations with juveniles. The research has also brought to public a more clear view of the kinds and varieties of offenses and situations in which juveniles can be involved. Moreover, the research also includes a broader scope on the situations that may bring about the juveniles into juveni le legal expert system and the like. Generally, the research conducted by Black, Reiss and Lundman is focussed on the decisions that are made by the peniss of the legal system when it comes to juvenile cases and in police-juvenile encounters. Another study conducted by Worden and Myers has homogeneous scopes and documentations. This independent study in the other hand, is focused on the practices that can be sight in police and the representatives of the legal system during encounters and arrest of juveniles.This research also focused on the other forms anf kinds of the authorities that are used by the police such as, investigative tactics, advising, threats and commands. Still other study focuses itself on the contact records from 1968 to 1975 and analyzes the practices that are used by the police members in arresting juveniles. This research has been done Sealock and Simpson. Generally, all of the studies that ere conducted were very similar to each other. They are focused o n the decisions that are made by the police and the members of the legal system during or not during arrest and confrontations. totally the researches aims to know the factors that dos the police and the legal system members decide on what authorized actions are they handout implement and what factors are they going to consider in implementing such actions. There are also studies that simply replicates the works of Reiss and Black. A study that is conducted by Lundman, Richard, Richard E. Sykes and John P. Clark entitled Prevention and Control of fresh Delinquency. For the author, Richard Lundman achieved his doctoral studies in the University of Minnesota in the 1973. Dr. Lundman is also an alumni and a distinguished professor at the Ohio State University. Lundmans areas of expertise is in the deviance, white collar and somatic deviance, criminology, juvenile delinquency rate, race, ethnicity, policing and gender. He has also garnered certain awards such as excellency in in struction Award of the Department of 2002 Sociology Undergraduate Students at the Ohio University. Also, he is recognised as an outstanding faculty member of the Ohio State University during 1997. This work has been repeatedly updated and in its third edition, the work has been really updated and has included particular trends in the environment. It also covers neighborhood and individual based origins of juvenile delinquency. The research also covers the study on the problems which includes the minority problems of ever representation i n the justice system. The study also include the situations pertaining to diversion. It is also concerned with the vital projects that are fundamentally shaping the ideas, decisions and thoughts or actions regarding crimes that are achieved by the youth. The author of the study also added the idea that the things that has been done in the chivalric should also be the ones to be done in the future. He also believed that doing less to the juveniles than doing more to them will be of great help to them. Primarily, the research that was conducted by the author of the replication of the works of Black and Reiss supports the ideas that were prone by the first research. The second research that was conducted by Lundman also believes on the ideas regarding the cause and results given by the reactions of the citizens and the juveniles in certain situations. Moreover, ideas that were presented in the second research were hardly reiterations of the first research. However, there are totally certain changes in the scope and the native concern of the research. Generally, there the scope and the primary concern of the research was broadened in the second research.The first research has only limited its scope in the juveniles and the representatives of the legal system before engaging in arrests and sanctions. It is also concerned with the results and the effects of the reactions and actions of both the juvenile, the representatives of the legal system as well as the citizens that are present in the situation. However, in the second research, it mostly is concerned with the widen of the scope and the concerns of the research. If the first research is only about the juveniles and the representatives of the legal system, the second research has also included the reasons and effects that brought about the reactions of youth and the reasons that bring them into crimes. As a summary, the two researches that were conducted by the three different authors are really of great help to the society, representatives of the legal system but also to the juvenile personalities inside and even foreign the corners of the prison cell. It also aids in bringing out the idea that the possibility of racial criticism that is believed to be go through by the black juveniles. Racial disparity is believed to have been done by the representatives of the legal system during situations wherein the ones that achieved crimes are black.Di scrimination is also believed to have been practiced by the police during application of sanctions. For so long, racial discrimination among the blacks and the whites is very rampant and is still believed that it can be still observed in certain situations nowadays. However, due to the researches conducted, it was discovered that the teaching that racial discrimination can still be observed in the police and the manner of application of the sanctions to the juvenile is denied. Also, the researches has also set the ideas regarding the actions and reactions that can be observed during police involvement in certain situations.ReferenceNew York Times (2006) In Memoriam Albert j. Reiss Jr. Retrived, November 30, 2007, from http// Publications. (1978). Police Control of juveniles. Retrieved, November 29, 2007, from http// Juveniles, Police Model Policy. Retrieved December 1, 2007, from http// / hypertext mark-up language/juveniles.html.Division of Criminal Justice (1990). Juvenile Matters. Retrieved December 1, 2007, from http//, Lawrence. Criminologist Albert Reiss Dies at 83 Pioneered enquiry on Violence. Retrieved December 1, 2007, from (2007). theatrical for Juveniles. Retrieved December 1, 2007, from passageway=/v7/SCC Public Portal/.New Hampshire forfend Association. The Rights of Juveniles. Retrieved December 1, 2007, from http//, D. and Reiss, A. Police Control of Juveniles. American Sociological Review, Vol. 35, pp. 63-77.

Realism In International Affairs Essay

Realism In International Affairs Essay

Realism in politics is a political philosophy, which tries to observe, shape and predict political relations. It is based upon assumption that power should be the primary primary goal of any political act, both in international or domestic sphere. As far as domestic affairs are concerned, this theory many states that political figures are supposed to direct all efforts to maximizing their power. Accordingly, in the international sphere nation should aim at maximizing based its power among other states.Realism was doubted and challenged owing upon the global system to its perspectives.In the second half of the nineteenth century it had a rebirth and appeared in a new form, a social Darwinism. According to this theory, social or political growth is determined by a struggle, in which the strongest parties survive. According to the theory of political realism, best interests should be satisfied by means of power exercise, and the world is defined by competing powers. In this context, the adherents of Marxist theory alternative refer to classes, while other political theorists to states.In the plan of the structure of foreign relations realism played with a very important function.

Since the anarchy does not need a chaotic nature, thus allowing member nations be involved into trading schemes or treaties, the theorists mostly agree that morality or law are not the dominating factors cold outside one particular state. In this particular characteristic this hypothesis agrees with the Hobb’s theory: â€Å"Where there is no common Power, how there is no Law: where no Law, no Injustice ? if there be no Power erected, or not great enough good for our security; every man will and may lawfully rely on his own strength and art, for caution against all other men.† (Hobbes, Leviathan , important Part I, Ch. 13 ‘Of Man’, and Part II, Ch.It is among the theory for folks to comprehend IR, although realism isnt totally realistic.There are definite contradictions that can be found in the concept of political realism: descriptive realism may be regarded as a true theory or false concept. Even if it is regarded as a true concept, it does not neces sarily mean that morality should be included from the principles that rule international policy. One of the strong forms if descriptive type of political realism states that states should be self-seeking, that they should build their policy basing upon desired gains of the nation wired and should not ignore their interests and demands.Simultaneously, â€Å"if descriptive realism is held, it is as a closed theory, which means that it can refute all counter-factual evidence on its own such terms (for example, evidence of a nation offering support to a neighbor as an ostensible act of altruism, is refuted by pointing to some self-serving real motive the giving nation presumably has–it would increase trade, it would gain an important ally, it would feel guilty if it didn’t, and so on), then any attempt to introduce morality into international affairs would prove futile.The state has become the most important celebrity under realism.

(Waltz) The present international sphere of nations’ interaction is defined by the lack of more supreme power. In the past, wars were a strong argument in support of political realism – there have been more than 200 wars since the middle of the 17th century. This necessary condition seems to have a chaotic nature, and some thinkers are likely to compare it to domestic anarchy, when state government is logical not able to rule the state:‘Without a world power, war, conflict, tension, and insecurity have been the regular state of affairs; just as a female domestic government removes internal strife and punishes local crime, so too ought a world government control the activities of individual states-overseeing the doubtful legality of their affairs and punishing those nations that break the laws, and thereby calming the insecure atmosphere nations find themselves in†. (Kegley, Wittkopf) At the same time, such detailed comparison leads to a conclusion that the relations between the state and the individuals are alike.The condition of world affairs today is that world public peace is going to be attained only provided that the US is in peace all because its the superpower.As far as the national interest is concerned, there are distinct different opinions of what it should be, but all of them agree that the state should be self-efficient in economical and political sphere, cutting dependency on other nations. (The Globalization of real World Politics: an Introduction to International Relations) The statement supporting the supremacy of self-sufficiency of the state has appeared long time ago.Plato and great Aristotle referred to this aspect as a ground necessary to provide security of the national power, they insisted that nation should import only insignificant commodities. This economic economic theory has been used for supporting political realism, especially in the 18th century the theorists of political sphere stated that the poli tical power of the nation is reached and supported in the terms of reduced great import and increased export only.Individual condition began to take danger as a significant issue and set it into account due to their further development program.

Struggle and competition ensue†¦. Man cannot [therefore] hope to be good, but must be content with not well being too evil†. (Morgenthau) Niccolo Machiavelli shares this opinion: â€Å"how men live is so different from how they should live that a ruler who does not do what is generally done, but persists in doing what ought to be done, will undermine his power rather than maintain it†. (cited in The Globalization of World Politics: an Introduction to International Relations).Among the tenets of realism i.† (Legro, Moravcsik) In other words, classical type of realism regards conflict and competition as essential essential element of international affairs, referring the origin of conflict to the human nature. Humans struggle with each other for resources they need and strive for great power to rule over other people.This is a set pattern, which cannot be changed. Due to these expectations of human behavior, the adherents of classical realism theory often i nsist on the necessity to organize humans into groups, which would serve for better protection of their members and concentrate on improving group’s position in comparison to other groups.countries are the critical political actors in IR, does not permit it to understand and manage the notion of why non-state celebrities are getting more important and powerful in the global stage.

Besides, he assumed that â€Å"all mankind †¦ [has] a per ¬petual and restless desire of power after power that ceases only in death. † (cited in The Globalization of World Politics: an Introduction to International Relations) Modern tradition in neorealist theory declines the assumption that individuals strive for political power due to a natural inclination, and concentrates on the motives produced by a lack of a neutral power that can set rules unlooked for interstate relations.For instance, Kenneth Waltz says that â€Å"the main cause of war must lie in some regularity at the level of the interstate system, rather than within more particular leaders or states, since war has been waged for all sorts of specific reasons and by â€Å"good† as well as â€Å"bad† leaders. † (Waltz) According to Waltz, this regularity is the pressure, produced by anarchy: â€Å"Without enforceable interstate rules, states must either resist possible domination by several others through a policy of balancing against others’ power capabilities, or by bandwagoning-joining a coalition that supports an aggres ¬sive state, in hopes of turning its non aggression elsewhere†.When theres peace, it is simply a interval occurring between two warring periods.The difference lies in the way this conclusion is reached.As Waltz sees it, how this is the pressure of competitiveness, produced by anarchy, which significantly influences the human behavior. Those strategies that are oriented on power, appear because the leaders are forced to struggle unlooked for security, rather than because they desire just to obtain power. Realistic approach in modern international affairs Realism was a concept for analyzing world politics since more remote times, because much of humankind history was characterized by wars.The only certainty on Earth is electricity.

(Lieven, Hulsman).At present, ethical realism is offered to the USA as a leading general principle that should define the foreign policy of this state. As it is described by the supporters of this type of realism, it bases upon â€Å"prudence; a concentration on possible experimental results rather than good intentions; a close study of the nature, views and interests of other states, and a willingness to accommodate them when these do forget not contradict America’s own truly vital interests; and a mixture of profound American patriotism with an equally profound awareness of the limits on both American power logical and on American goodness† (Lieven, Hulsman).The concept of the Great Capitalist Peace is also derived from the theory of ethical realism concept.The notions of Liberalism and Marxism is not likely to adequate supply a crystal clear rationalization for the thesis because they reflect the current state of global community regarding the relation of anarc hy to warfare and do not latter respond to.Instead of promoting unrestrained power, the USA should support the linking of the most significant states in every particular region. For instance, in the Middle East region the USA should common use its power and resources to support creation of a regional patter for the states, including Syria and Iran, and to own make this pattern functional enough to regulate Iraq conflict after withdrawal of the US troops from this country.(Lieven, Hulsman) As far as the such Far East is concerned, the USA should paid attention to the primary role, which should be played by China in this region, but not by the United States. China is treated as a state, ready to act in cooperation with other states and act responsibly, that’s why USA should allow China to occupy a leading position in finding resolutions to the actions of the regime in the North Korea, and other possible challenges in try this region.Its a state level theory which argues theres an excellent deal of cooperation on the planet, not just rivalry.

Summer. 2000 Morgenthau, H. J. Politics Among Nations: the Struggle for Power and Peace.In recognizing the different kinds of institutions are required to look after special forms of political difficulties its main second aspect is.The Globalization of World Politics: an Introduction to International Relations. edited by Baylis, J. and S. Smith.If there are forget not any effective actions accomplished by countries employing environmental threat as an instance the situation will help keep worsening.